I have only one question for cool priests and cool Catholics: why, if you want to be good people and have a spiritual and public life, of all the institutions that make it possible, why choose the oldest mafia in the world?

If I had to pick my favorite vacation meme Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik In the presidential palace, I would probably choose the one where the politicians play monopoly and show the “go to jail” card. However, I am more amused by another version of this The premise of an anti-capitalist board gameIt is entertaining and laughs with tears though.

In Cleropolis, which is very similar to real life, where you collect quite a lot of money (from the public treasury, of course) to provide catechesis in a kindergarten, and then you can buy facilities and property such as an institute. Immaculate Conception In Vitro or a high school of intellectual infallibility with an inquisitorial faculty, you really need to make a big effort as a priest to get him behind bars and make a place for himself there.

Instead of punishment, the punishment could be, for example, serving as a chaplain at the zoo, although a fish needs a bicycle more than a priest. The game is high-profile, but not too obscure in a country that could finally use a less clerical justice system and actual legislation for our tax-funded clergy instead of dupp-crown.

I just read that the Rzeszów Prosecutor's Office dropped the case of a catechist who allegedly touched his students on the hands, thighs and head, causing them obvious discomfort. This report was obtained from the children by the director of the school where the priest taught and which was located in one of the villages of the Podkarpas district.

Liquidating the church fund will not (unfortunately) destroy the church, but that's a good thing.

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The woman informed her parents about her accusations and curia, as a result of which she was lynched by the local community. The latter – as the head of the institution later told “Vibortsa” – protected the minors, not the priest, and justified his position by saying that the clergy were “always whining” and no one complained.

However, our boundaries regarding sexuality in Poland are so blurred that even the arrest of a priest rarely leads to unequivocal public condemnation. As a society, we continue to escape into denial. Do you know who is most responsible for this?

Surprise: the church that has stabilized the carnality and therefore the security concern associated with it and torpedoes the availability of education in this area. And also the state, which excludes clergy from criminal liability. What Kowalski thinks about the protection of priests would be secondary if the state didn't simply divide pedophiles into jackets and those without.

Although the criminalization of sexual violence generally leaves much to be desired, it is clear who can best account for it in this area. Therefore, it is not the mentality of the people (or even not only and not primarily) that needs to be transformed in order for violence to become commonplace, but law enforcement agencies that remain in a toxic marriage with church authorities. . It's time to finally file for divorce.

But let's go back to Podkarpassie. The investigation into the touching catechist case was stopped for the first time in 2021, and now, after being renewed, it has become legally binding for the second time. “Based on the evidence collected, the expert concluded that the suspect was not diagnosed with a sexual disorder. He did not know that his actions: touching his hands, caressing his head and thighs, exceeded the boundaries of students' privacy,” said Krzysztof Ciechanowski, spokesman for the Rzeszow District Prosecutor's Office. They say ignorance of the law is harmful, but if the priest didn't know it, it doesn't make sense.

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Sometimes it happens that the priest is punished. Despite the fact that the prosecutor's office in Silesia did not inform whether Tomasz Z. The Holy Mother of Angels Dabrova in Gornica, who was recently arrested, was aware of the illegality of the actions during the event, better known in the media as the “orgy at the rectory”, but was charged with four charges. .

“The three charges relate to drug offenses and drug supply. One of them is additionally related to violation of sexual freedom and morality of others. The fourth charge refers to inflicting serious bodily injuries and helping a person whose health and life were in danger,” Waldemar Lubniewski from the Sosnowiec District Prosecutor's Office told “Super Express”. What is it about? I can't believe that you haven't heard about this event that will affect all of Poland at the end of 2023, but I will remind you.

In the rectory, Tomasz Z. allegedly took drugs and had sexual activity with a sex worker, who lost consciousness during the meeting and did not receive appropriate help. Not only did the priest not call an ambulance, but he also did not want to let the rescuers in when they were called by another partygoer.

But this is neither the first nor the last scandal involving church dignitaries eager to point out the “promiscuity” of the rest of society and the dehumanization of LGBT+ people, who always had it good in free Poland, but under the last PiS government – perhaps the best. What do the new government say about it?

Donald Tusk announced that by liquidating the church fund, he will stop giving money to the clergy. But – as Patrycja Wieczorkiewicz wrote on our pages – the seizure of these funds, although it will cut off the head of the oppressive hydra, it will not prevent another one to take its place. The church has more sources of support than the foundation, and it is also one of the largest landowners in the country. These promises by the government are bad, especially when I read on the tvn24.pl website that “the company Centralny Port Komunikacyjny donated PLN 400,000 for the renovation of the Wiskitki church in Masovian Voivodeship”.

Money also flows from the faithful sheep, who are accustomed from infancy to men in black dresses constantly roaming in the background of their lives. Therefore, later – as Agnieszka Graf notes on her Facebook – the “cool priest” is invited to talk about civil partnership even in the free media, with “wise lesbians”.

Therefore, it would be a real blow to the Church to throw her out of the public sphere in favor of the private sphere (the complete opposite of women). The actual implementation of indoctrination is the withdrawal of religion from the schools, the breaking of friendship with the priests attending state ceremonies, and above all, a truly secular legislation in which there is no place for offending Catholic feelings or oppressing women. Forced to give birth, but there are greetings in the prison of priests.

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Every time I write and talk about it, I understand that the Church needs to be civilized, that the clergy will not change until the faithful do it, that the religious feelings of the Poles and Terlikowski, who converted to reason and human dignity. , they deserve respect and let's not throw the priest out with the bathwater, because not all men in Kaso are pedophiles.

Then I start screaming. why Because once again we shift the responsibility for the sins of the church to everyone except those who actually commit them, and turn a blind eye to the systemic Eldorado in which the clergy live – and, of course, I am talking about the church hierarchy.

It is easy to see an analogy here with the teachings of the clergy who convince parents that their children are born with a birth defect that can only be washed away with water from the nearby parish well. For this, you have to pay not only the amount you want, but also the guilt you carry with you for years, which often cannot be cured even by the best therapies. However, pure water is not as effective as advertised.

Catholics believe that everything is their responsibility and that they should carry someone else's cross, not their own. Society believes that it must do something to make the church better, to lead a dialogue and be careful not to offend the people who are fraternized with it.

However, my point is not to mock anyone's rituals, especially since human communities that have collapsed due to their lack—as the philosopher Byung Chul-Han argues—need to save the sacred in a “doomed society.” True, I don't think it was the author Fatigue communities He had in mind the Catholic Church as a place to meet the needs of contemplation and communion, but I know that the Catholic Church in Poland has long had and has such a status. So I emphasize that if it is good for one's soul and body, use it.

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I have only one question for cool priests and cool Catholics: why, if you want to be good people and have a spiritual and public life, of all the institutions that make it possible, why choose the oldest mafia in the world? I will repeat Dorota Proczniewicz: “Even then, good Catholics, prepare a hundred pots of soup for the homeless, make a hundred donations to life-saving operations, distribute a hundred pamphlets offering free psychological help to victims of violence. And at the same time, your church, every day, officially, from the media and from the pulpit, will continue to slander people, then… do you connect the dots?

But unlike the Church, I am not going to continue to burden Catholics with the sins of their pastors. I demand that criminals in my country be called criminals and treated as such. If PiS dignitaries are already in jail, why can't their church friends?

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