01/01/2024, 18:16

The Polsat event was hosted by, among others, Krzysztof Ibis and Marcelina Zawadzka (Photo: AKPA/Polsat)

Polsat's New Year's Power of Hits in Chorzów had slightly more viewers than New Year's Eve with Dwójka TVP in Zakopane – according to preliminary data from Nielsen Media, including all antennas showing both events.

The Polsat concert attracted an average of 2.8 million viewers – 22.5%. 4+ in the general group with a 28.1 percent share in the 16-49 group and a 25.8 percent share in the commercial 16-59 group. This is a joint result of Polsat, Polsat 2 and Polsat News, which broadcast the event.

On the other hand, the TVP concert had 2.77 million viewers – 22.1%. 18.8 percent in the 4+ general group, 19.1 percent in the 16-49 group, and 19.1 percent in the 16-59 group. This is the common data of TVP 2 and TVP Polonia.

2.1 million people watched it on Polsat alone on New Year's Eve, and 2.55 million viewers on Dwójka.

Polsat featured among others: Doda, Lady Punk, Golec uOrkiestra, Urszula, Majka Jeżowska and Dawid Kwiatkowski, and on TVP – Maryla Rodowicz, Justyna Steczkowska, Edyta Górniak and Viki Gabor.

A year earlier, the Chorzów broadcast had a total of about 2.99 million viewers on Polsat (19.54 to 00.24), Polsat News (20.06 to 00.24) and Polsat 2 (19.54 to 00.24 ), with a share of 5%. . In the 4+ general group, 27.1 percent in commercial 16-49 and 25.4 percent in commercial 16-59.

On the other hand, broadcasts on TVP 2 (from 19.50 to 00.47) and TVP Polonia (from 20.24 to 00.47) reached a total of 4.42 million viewers, with a share of 33.73%. 4+ in general group 32.87 percent in commercial group 16-49 and 31.24 percent in commercial 16-59.

Data: Nielsen Media.

(ME, 01/01/2024)

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