15/01/2024, 12:25

So far, the websites Radomskie.info, Lubelskie.info and Szczecińskie24.pl only advertise the Justice Fund (PAR).

Three portals that were previously funded by the Justice Fund have ceased operations after losing funding. Radomskie.info and Szczecińskie24.pl published the latest information at the end of December. In the first days of January, only the Lubelskie.info portal was active.

– Now we actually have some confusion, we are moving the studio, therefore there is a lack of information – says Patrikia Sapiel, media director of the project, who was contacted by “Preservice”. – We are also accepting changes to the association charter, which will allow us to accept advertisements on the portals.

The editor-in-chief's phone in Szczecin does not answer. Maciej Daraszkiewicz, in addition to managing the website, is also an employee of the Institute of Political and Security Sciences of the University of Szczecin. He specializes in fan circles. The editor's number is responsible for this. A woman's voice announces in Ukrainian that this is a private apartment.

The Szczecińskie24.pl portal went silent at the end of December. Similarly, Radomskie.info. Only Lubelskie.info, which publishes separate information, works. All three portals were created within the framework of the project funded by the Justice Foundation of Minister Zbigniew Ziobro: “Building and developing local online information services to carry out campaigns and information activities that support the causes of crime and help victims of crime.” .”

The project was developed by the Szczecin Friends of Health Association and the portals focus on simple information from police chronicles and provide information from the city hall.

Until now, portals only published banners with hotline numbers and links to addresses of legal assistance centers. The end of funding from the Justice Fund means that if the portals are to survive, their profile will have to change.

As Patrycja Szapiel says, the association wants to develop all three portals, expanding them with local information. Especially since – as Sapiel claims – he will be able to use the Szczecin TV and radio station with the help of the left journalists. – Since we are a right-wing environment, for example, we will not really have information about the equality march – he reserves. He adds that different points of view are needed in each city. He considers this project as a chance for success.

According to online website comparison website SimilarWeb, of the three portals, Radomskie.info had the highest traffic from October to December – more than 67,000. Visits. Szczecinskie24.pl – 55.6 thousand, and Lubelskie.info – less than 7 thousand.

(PAR, 15/01/2024)

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