Andrzej Duda's meeting with the wives of convicted politicians – Roma Vesik and Barbara Kaminska

– At the request of the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Wasik, I decided to start the pardon process. It will be a presidential procedure, Andrzej Duda said after 3 hours. Earlier, the President's Chancellery announced that a meeting was held with the wives of convicted politicians – Romualda Vasik and Barbara Kaminska.

After 3 hours, the president was supposed to make a statement. Earlier, KPRP reported that Andrzej Duda met the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic – Barbara Kaminska and Romualda Wasic.

Andrzej Duda wants to pardon Vasik and Kaminski

– Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik are the first political prisoners of 1989, I have no doubts about that – the president began. He said, “These are the people who went after criminals, and that might not sit well with a lot of people who are in prominent positions today.”

– This situation is difficult for me both legally and personally. I know you well, Mr. Kaminski, with whom I had the honor and pleasure of working for 18 years – I can confidently say that he is my friend, a crystal clear and reliable person – said Duda. He also emphasized that – in his opinion – Vasik and Kaminski are still deputies.

According to the president, the wives of politicians asked him for help – especially because their husbands were on hunger strike while in prison. Therefore, Andrzej Duda decided to start the process of pardoning both politicians. – At the request of the wives of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Wasik, I decided to start the pardon process. This will be a presidential process, absolutely in accordance with all constitutional standards, he said.

This means that in this case, an application will be submitted to the General Prosecutor's Office to suspend the execution of the sentence and release the prisoners during the proceedings. – The prosecutor has full actions, but I ask for the release of the deputies – added Duda.

On December 20, 2023, the Warsaw District Court sentenced Kaminski and Vesik to two years in prison.

The text has been updated.

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