A separate part of the interview was devoted to the economy, that is, the new economic course of Kazakhstan.

“The year 2023 turned out to be full of important events for our country. We started building a fair and competitive economic system. We discussed the issues of economic diversification and demonopolization, infrastructure modernization, business support and investment attraction,” the president noted.

According to the analysts of the International Monetary Fund, by the end of 2023, the volume of the gross domestic product of Kazakhstan should be more than 259 billion dollars in current prices, which is 15% more than in 2022. This is the most significant nominal growth in Central Asia.

Positive dynamics is also recorded in GDP per capita, the forecast for 2023 was almost 13,000. dollars, the annual increase is estimated at 1.6 thousand. dollar. According to the forecast of the International Monetary Fund, by 2028 this number will increase by one third – to 16.8 thousand. dollar.

K. Tokaev particularly emphasized the need for the government to use a new approach to economic management. Therefore, he identified two main directions.

The first is to solve a number of targeted tasks that can stimulate the country's development. Among them is the implementation of large industrial projects. In last September's address, the government's tasks included identifying a list of possible major projects and preparing an infrastructure development plan. These projects are currently in the process of implementation, consultations with large enterprises, institutional investors and experts are ongoing.

It is also necessary to solve the important problem of attracting investments, including through privatization and asset return. Large-scale investments can “accelerate” the economy and create new growth points. Therefore, in accordance with the Presidential Decree, the Investment Council was recently established, which has broad powers to improve the investment climate and quality implementation of investment projects.

The second direction includes actions aimed at the implementation of systemic reforms that will strengthen the new “rules of the game” for the entire economy.

The government, on behalf of the head of state, will develop a new tax code aimed at restoring the relationship between the state and business. When improving the tax system, it is very important to move away from a purely fiscal approach. It is necessary to strike a balance between creating comfortable conditions for investors and maintaining the necessary level of budget revenues.

President K. Tokaev also noted that the current economic situation in the world clearly affects Kazakhstan as well.

In the framework of economic development, Tokaev emphasized the importance of clean nuclear energy for Kazakhstan. Since the country is in the first place in the world in terms of natural uranium extraction, Kazakhstan conducts its own production of nuclear fuel components.

Realizing the importance of the task, the president proposed to submit the issue of nuclear power plant construction to a nationwide referendum. The fact that decisions on the most important issues for the nation are made through a referendum was included in his election program for the 2019 elections.

Considering that 2023 was a busy year in the field of foreign policy, including meetings with world leaders, organizing negotiations in the C5+ format, etc. .

“By pursuing a balanced and pragmatic foreign policy, Kazakhstan protects its national interests and resolves the strategic challenges facing us. Our priorities remain unchanged – ensuring the inviolability of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, protecting the rights and interests of the citizens of Kazakhstan, creating a favorable external environment. Conditions for sustainable economic growth.

“In today's difficult geopolitical conditions, it is important for Kazakhstan to develop mutually beneficial and pragmatic cooperation with all our foreign partners.

In this context, President Tokaev emphasized that a constructive and balanced foreign policy will continue. The year 2024 will be marked by the presidency of Kazakhstan in several influential regional and international organizations. Kazakhstan will simultaneously chair the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, the Organization of Turkish States, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, and the Islamic Food Security Organization.

According to President Tokaev, political reforms in Kazakhstan are not only systemic, but – most importantly – irreversible. Knowledge of law and civil activity became the main guarantor of democratic changes.

“As a progressive nation, we should only look to the future and think about what unites us, not what divides us,” concluded Tokaev.

The material is sponsored by Kazakhstan

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