“As the PiS occupation of Poland ended, so will the PiS occupation of state offices,” wrote Prime Minister Donald Tusk on social media.

“Just as the PiS occupation of Poland ended, the PiS occupation of state offices will also end. Only the reputation of the occupiers will remain with them for a long time,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on social media on Sunday morning.

Two votes regarding the National Prosecutor

On Thursday Attorney General and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar handed over National Prosecutor Dariush Barski The document states that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro, was carried out “in violation of current regulations and did not have legal effect.”

In addition, it was indicated that “as of January 12, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Barski is retired, which does not prevent him from performing the function of the national prosecutor.” He was appointed instead Jacek Bilevich.

look: “Rimanovsky Breakfast on Polsat News and Interia”

Message about Adam Bodnar

The General Prosecutor's Office disagreed with the decision and decided that Dariusz Barski was still the national prosecutor. According to him, the letter Attorney General Adam Bodnar “Does not produce any legal effect.”

In turn, Bodnar deputies announced on Saturday that they had taken measures The decision to submit a report “on the commission of crimes by Adam Bodnar, Jacek Bilevich and other persons acting with them”.

Deputy Attorney General Robert Hernand issued an order restricting the entry of foreigners to the National Prosecutor's Office. This decision is intended to prevent Jacek Bilevic, who was appointed by the Prime Minister as the first deputy prosecutor general of the National Prosecutor, from fulfilling his mandate.

He also spoke on this issue President Andrzej Duda. The head of state emphasized that the Minister of Justice cannot release him on his own National Prosecutor.


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