Portal DoRzeczy.pl published about itHow the Minister of Justice tried to remove the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Let's remind that Adam Bodnar wanted to hand over the decision to Barski, in which he justified that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro, was in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect.

Illegal actions of Minister Bodnar were opposed by the prosecutor with 30 years of experience, Robert Hernand, who was the deputy general prosecutor for 14 years. He held this position after Andrzej Szeremety was appointed Prosecutor General under the PO-PSL government.

The consequences of Bodnar's decision are “inconceivable”

On Saturday evening, Prosecutor Hernand was a guest of “Republika” TV station, where he spoke about the incident. As he said, “the situation is special and very sad.”

– This is the first time I am in a situation where the law on the Prosecutor's Office is bypassed and the provisions are interpreted in such a way that the President's competence to give or not to give written consent of the First Deputy is shaken. to the General Prosecutor, which we cannot call a clear violation of the law, he said.

The prosecutor pointed out that the national prosecutor may be dismissed from his position by the decision of the Prime Minister after expressing his opinion. written consent by the President. We remind you that Andrzej Duda did not give such consent. Hernand also added that there is no concept of “acting national prosecutor” in the law. Therefore, Jacek Bilevich cannot perform such a function. Moreover, Hernand stated that the entrance to the Prosecutor's Office building will be possible only with permanent entry tickets. Issuance of temporary and special purpose tickets is strictly controlled. This is to prevent Bilevich from entering the prosecutor's office.

The Deputy Prosecutor General also stated that the consequences of the Minister of Justice's decision are “inconceivable”.

– The prosecutor continues the preparatory proceedings. During this period, the court continues pretrial detention. National Prosecutor Dariush Barski also made hundreds of personnel decisions. In such a situation, it can be said that prosecutor Bilevich was wrongly awarded the title of national prosecutor – he noted, adding that he hopes that “there will be time to reflect and understand the mistake made. .”

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