The website published the entry on Saturday From the attempt to take over the National Prosecutor's Office by the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar. The case caused a political storm. Experts and judges noted that the action of the head of the Ministry of Justice was illegal. Bodnar MPs also protested the attack on the Prosecutor's Office at the General Prosecutor's Office. On Sunday, they issued a statement, where they point to a number of violations in the minister's actions.

Meanwhile, the actions of the head of the Ministry of Justice are defended by Prof. Miroslav Wirzikowski, retired judge of the Constitutional Tribunal. “Dariush Barski is a retired prosecutor today, as in the previous few years, and in 2022-24. The then General Prosecutor Zbigniew Ziobro had no legal basis to reinstate Mr. Barski from retirement to the prosecutor's office based on that. The provision, which was random and can only be applied to specific cases and only within a strictly defined period,” the lawyer asserts.

“false legal basis”

Prof. Wirzikowski questions whether Barski was a national prosecutor. “If we take into account the legal status by which prosecutor Barski became a national prosecutor, we must come to the conclusion that he was not a national prosecutor, because he was not an active prosecutor. Transition to active duty was based on defective legal. basis and therefore was not legally effective,” GW said.

“Minister Bodnar did not dismiss Prosecutor Barski from the post of National Prosecutor, he only added the result to Prosecutor Barski's status as a retired prosecutor at the time he was appointed National Prosecutor,” adds the judge of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Also read:
“Dear Mr. National Prosecutor”. Back in December, Bodnar got to know Barski
Also read:
New statement of Bodnar MPs. Hard words are said

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