In an interview with “Wyborcza”, the former head of the Administrative Law Department of the Jagiellonian University Law Faculty commented on the actions of the new government “regarding the cure of the rule of law”. He has dominated in recent days A discussion about Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. At the same time, the method of capturing public media raises huge legal doubts.

“I am a supporter of evolution, but today we are on the verge of a revolution that destroys and destroys everything like a lamb. If we allow the revolution, we will stop acting according to the law,” says Prof. Zimmerman.

Gangster style, but legal

When asked whether the changes will have to be made by bypassing certain legal principles, the administrator answers: “Certainly, when introducing changes, the democratic majority will probably be forced to go a little, as they say, on a whim. ”

At the same time, he states that “the border mentioned by us cannot be crossed, because we are in the European Union and are bound by specific rules of European law. After all, their violation by PiS became the reason for the European decision. tribunals”.

“If PiS has broken the law, it needs to be repaired, some acts passed under previous governments should be annulled and new ones should be issued, but in accordance with democratic and legal procedures. Taking shortcuts without considering the rules and principles will help. be nothing but a violation of the rule of law. And it should be our main slogan”, Prof. emphasizes. Ian Zimmerman.

According to the lawyer, first of all, the new government should “do” the National Judicial Council. “We must start by repairing the National Judicial Council because it is the root of the evils that later happened in the judiciary. “The National Council of the Judiciary should start working in accordance with the Constitution,” said the statement of “GW”. The interlocutor asserts.

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“Marshall takes full responsibility.” Kaminski and Vesik will not be able to vote
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The National Council of the Judiciary publishes the allowance amount for its members. Among them Gasiuk-Pihovich

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