About 300,000 people showed up for the “March of Free Poles” in Warsaw. People – said the organizers. According to the Warsaw City Hall, there were about 35,000 people. people. – We must win the battle for sovereign Poland – said PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski. The participants of the rally started with a rally in front of the Seimas, and then moved to the Prime Minister's office.

at 4 o'clock in front of the Sejm The “Protest of Free Poles” began. Organized by Law and Justice.

According to the organizers The action is held to protect freedom of speech, media and democracy. On Tuesday, the wives of politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vasik took part in the rally.

First information The organizers said up to 100,000. demonstrate.

“According to surveillance cameras, around 35,000 people are participating in the march,” Warsaw City Hall told Polsat News earlier. 18. 405 buses should have entered the capital.

On the other hand PiS spokesman Rafal Bochenek In his speech he said that “Almost 200 thousand people in front of the Polish ParliamentAnd a few tens of thousands of people are coming to us and will slowly gather in front of the Prime Minister's Office.

Kaczynski: We must win the battle for Poland

– This concerns Poland. Free media is being destroyed right now, they want a monopoly – said the President of PiS, Yaroslav Kaczynski, during his speech in front of the Seimas on the “Protest of Free Poles”.

– We must win this great battle for sovereign, independent Poland. We must win and defend Poland. If we want to win, we have to change this government, he added.

The president emphasized that eventually he wants to destroy the office of the PO president. – We cannot allow this – he emphasized.

The leader of PiS also raised the issue of introducing a single currency in our country. – This is a plan to rob Poland and the Poles, because the introduction of the euro is a big robbery.Great reduction in living standards and complete economic dependence on Germany, he noted.

look: Maciej Wąsik joined the hunger protest. The information was spread by his wife – Roma Vesik

The participants of the rally were holding Polish flags and banners. Among others, the crowd chanted: “This is Poland, not Brussels!” Religious songs were also sung.

After a number of politicians' speeches, the participants of the rally marched towards the prime minister's office. The protest ended after 7 pm.

mbl/ sgo / Polsatnews.pl

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