Justice Minister and Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar directly supervised the TVP investigation.. How would you rate this action?

Markin Pjidac: First of all, it should be assessed that this is a political and not an essential action of the Prosecutor General. There is no reason to blame the actions of the prosecutor who handled the case, but we have a political context in which the Minister of Culture is the subject of the prosecutor's interest because he is the one handling the case. But still in the case of decisions made based on the decisions of Minister Sienkevich. Adam Bodnar himself says that he has complete confidence in the Minister of Culture, but he avoids answering the question about legal aspects, which means that he fully identifies with this activity and cannot be objective here. Moreover, the Minister of Justice himself says that the legal basis for these actions is being sought, and he also admits that Sienkevich's action was not based on a legal basis.

What about Adam Bodnar's senatorial mandate?

It is clear that the mandate of a senator cannot be combined with the function of a prosecutor. It is true that the Minister of Justice is the Prosecutor General, but when he directly supervises the investigation, he plays the role of a prosecutor. The regulations are clear in this case. While still in the opposition, MPs Mircea and Gasiuk-Pihović argued that this type of merger of functions was impossible and that their term of office was necessary. Let's see how things will develop. The Speaker of the Senate must make a decision in accordance with the law.

What if the mandate is not terminated? Should the case go to court then?

Recent government decisions, for example in the context of public media, confirm my belief that Poland is no longer a state governed by law. Here it is not the force of law that governs, but the law of force. If, in the case of Minister Bodnar's mandate, the Marshal of the Senate ignores the regulations, this will be another proof that Poland is not a law-abiding country, that the will of the government does not work here. It also shows that they are hypocrites because they have come to power over the years, showing that they are fighting for the supremacy of the law while breaking it themselves.

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