According to the former head of the International Policy Office of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the incumbent Poland's security situation It requires good cooperation between the government and the president. – But this good cooperation requires the readiness of both sides. We see the readiness of the president to cooperate, I don't know if we see the readiness of the government, because the situation in the public media shows that the government acts more by force than by dialogue. Because if he wanted to solve the issue according to the constitution, he should have started a conversation with the president, but he didn't do that – the PiS deputy said on the air of RMF FM.

– The President sends signals of openness to cooperation. These are not the first signals, because only the New Year's message did not say that it was ready to cooperate. But he also learned lessons from history. He remembers exactly what it was like during the time of President Lech Kaczynski – because he was his minister then – how aggressively the then government of Donald Tusk treated the President in some places. The president says: I know this history, I am ready for the lack of willingness to cooperate, – said Markin Przydach.

In addition, the politician emphasized that the president's veto of the bill related to the budget occurred in a specific situation. – I think that those in power today, that is, PO and its coalition partners, should draw conclusions from this decision. If you want good cooperation, you need negotiations with the president, not forceful decisions, Przedach said.

“This is a violation of the rule of law”

comments that the president is talking about protecting the constitution and, for example, prof. Adam Strzembo claims that Andrzej Duda violated the constitution several times, he replied: – Prof. Strzembos is a known critic of the PiS government and the president. It is formed for political criticism. What we need to think about today is the functioning of the Constitution in the new political constellation. I counted three articles broken by Donald Tusk's government (…). We are dealing with an actual violation of the rule of law.

According to Pzhidac, the president has not violated the constitution. Pardon of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesic. – I think that if Bronislav Komorovski released Slavomir Novak, the same commentators claim that the president is right, – concluded the MP.

Also read:
Arlukovic on Duda's speech: Here's what we'll be dealing with next year
Also read:
Kwasniewski commented on the President's speech. “not good”

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