National Court Registry Refused to add new members to Telewizja Polska's Supervisory Board He was appointed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz.

In its reasoning, the court's referendum cited, among others: the Constitutional Tribunal's 2016 ruling on the unconstitutionality of the National Broadcasting Council's exclusion from the procedure for appointing public media: TVP and Polskie Radio.

“It wasn't fully thought through”

– If the decisions of the court are the most important and should not be criticized, then yes, from this perspective, the first attempt to sort of clean the public media was a mistake, it was not fully understood – said the PSL vice-president. and MEP Adam Jarubas on Monday in Poranek Siódma9.

“The people who made the decisions will probably have a lot to think about,” said the Polish People's Party politician. He noted that the first action of the Minister of Culture regarding public media should be the liquidation of companies.

A revolution in public media

We remind you that the revolution in public media started on December 20, 2023. After that, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz dismissed the presidents of Polish Television, Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency. The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

On December 27, 2023, Sienkevich decided… Liquidation of TVP, Polish Radio and Polish Press Agency. As he explained, “this will allow us to ensure the continuous operation of these companies, to carry out the necessary restructuring and not to allow the dismissal of employees employed in the above-mentioned companies due to lack of financing.”

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Adamchik left the headquarters of TVP Info. “The heart of Polish television stopped beating”
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In “i9:30” there was no significant information about the TVP takeover. Pluska declined to comment

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