In his New Year's address, Vladimir Putin claimed that in 2023, Russia would “resolutely defend its national interests, its freedom and security.” As the Russian leader emphasized, “the most important thing” that “unites and unites Russians” is “the fate of the motherland and a deep understanding of the highest significance of the historical stage that Russia is passing through.”

The President of the Russian Federation also addressed the servicemen participating in the military invasion (this is what the Kremlin calls the war in Ukraine). – Our heart is with you. We are proud of you, we admire your courage. I know that now you feel the love of your nearest and dearest people, the strong, sincere support of millions of Russian citizens, the support of the whole nation, said Vladimir Putin.

– Russia will never stop. There is no force that will divide us and stop our development, said the Russian leader.

Putin congratulated the New Year. He missed Andrzej Duda

As every year, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent New Year's greetings to the leaders of different countries of the world. The Russian leader, among other things, missed out. Polish, American, German and British government representatives.

The Kremlin announced that wishes had been sent, including to Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko. “last year Hand in hand we overcame serious challengesWe successfully opposed the hostile policy of the collective West and defended our legitimate interests on the world stage,” Vladimir Putin wrote in a special letter.

Wishes were also sent to: the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia, Bolivia, Brazil, India, Cuba, Nicaragua, as well as the President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, and the President of China, Xi Jinping. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pope Francis.

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Putin's words. Blood on the asphalt
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Ukraine attacked Russia. 24 people died

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