Based on daily reports from European gas transmission group Entog and Gazprom, estimates of gas transit through Ukraine indicate that Russia has been exporting. European pipelines average 77.6 million cubic meters per day of this feedstock compared to 174.8 million cubic meters in 2022..

According to the data of “Gazprom” and calculations of “Reuters”, last year Russia exported about 63.8 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe via various routes.

Gazprom has not published its own statistics since the beginning of 2023 and did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Thanks to European contracts and the pipeline network, Gazprom held 40 percent. The entire EU gas market. However, the invasion of Ukraine changed everything. Although the EU sanctions did not cover gas, the company under the leadership of Alexei Miller lost its influence every month.

Russian LNG

However, the invasion of Ukraine turned the tables and opened a new deal in the gas market. Especially since the European Union still buys Russian LNG, while expelling Gazprom from Europe.

Russian LNG gas magnate Novatek has been competing with the pro-Kremlin state Gazprom for years, and the change in reality has become an opportunity for it. Especially since “Novatek” is a private enterprise (at least theoretically) and “Gazprom” is a state company.

Last year, from January 1 to July 15. European receivers received approx. 12.3 billion cubic meters of Russian liquefied gas, which is sold by the private concern Novatek. Although Novatek has more and more opportunities, Gazprom's power is declining.

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