In 2023, the number of bankruptcies Sweden It rose 29% to its highest level since the 1990s, when the bursting of the real estate bubble paralyzed the country's banking system, Bloomberg notes.

Sweden has a problem with company bankruptcies. record

According to credit reporting agency UC, this may just be the tip of the iceberg. Analysts note that this trend continues high level of inflation and interest rates. In December, the number of bankruptcies increased by 23 percent overall. compared to the same month of the previous year.

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A somewhat optimistic trend from the fall, when it seemed that the number of bankruptcies would stabilize, has now reversed, says UC President Gabriela Goransson, quoted by Bloomberg.

“The world expects Sweden to fall into recession this year, despite the central bank halting an 18-month campaign of interest rate hikes as inflation slows,” the agency's website reads.

In many large industries, including construction and retail, as well as hotels and restaurants, the number of new startups is the lowest it has been in more than a decade. The number of failed companies is still not at the level of the 1990s because, as Goransson estimates, “today's market is more global.”

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