02/01/2024, 06:09

Red Carpet Media Group said it would take two months after receiving the license to start broadcasting (Screenshot: YouTube/Red Carpet TV)

In 2024, the CTV9 channel (Red Carpet Media Group) will be launched, to which the National Broadcasting Council granted a place on the eighth multiplex of digital terrestrial television. Its broadcaster is awaiting the completion of formalities at the National Broadcasting Council and reaching an agreement with MUX 8 operator Emitel regarding the signal broadcasting contract.

The broadcaster must obtain a license signed by the chairman of the council. The National Broadcasting Council has so far only adopted a resolution on this issue. – We are currently waiting for the decision of the National Broadcasting Council. Without it, we basically cannot plan anything – explains Lesek Kulak, the main shareholder of Red Carpet Media Group. He adds that his group is also in touch with Emitel and is working on a multiplex broadcasting deal. – This side will definitely go smoothly – assured Kulak.

CTV9 is supposed to be a film and documentary station

In a stock exchange report (the company is listed on NewConnect), Red Carpet Media Group said it would take two months to start broadcasting after receiving the license.

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“Obtaining a program broadcasting license through the national multiplex MUX-8 will ensure full technical coverage of the TV channel throughout the country and thus directly contribute to a significant increase in the company's financial income from the sale of advertising time,” the statement said. .

CTV9 is intended to be a movie and documentary station for people ages 30-80. It will be broadcast by Red Carpet TV, a subsidiary of Red Carpet Media Group. It was one of two bids entered into the competition for the MUX 8 vacant seats. A second application – for film and TV station RCTV, also from Red Carpet Media Group – was rejected by the National Board. MUX 8 is currently broadcast by: Zoom TV (Kino Polska Group), Metro (TVN Warner Bros. Discovery), Nowa TV (Polsat Plus Group) and Telewizja WP (Wirtualna Polska Media).

Red Carpet Media Group is the broadcaster of Red Carpet TV and Red Top TV channels, available from pay TV operators, and the owner of the Red Go streaming service. After three quarters of 2023, it had PLN 8.63 million in revenue and PLN 2.99 million in net profit. Its revenues grew by 30.2% year-on-year, and profits by 22.8%.

Also read: KRRiT spending is expected to increase by nearly 70% in 2024. According to Shvirski, the budget is very small

(ME, 02/01/2024)

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