In July, residents of the village of Grabkow in Wielkopolska learned about the approval Changing the local development plan. The idea of ​​municipal government can ruin their lives.

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– We decided to build here because we liked the area. There are many birds, there are many animals. We are people who love peace and quiet. And that's why we live so far from public roads – says Patrikia Samsoniuk.

– This is Fantastic place to stay Relieve stress after work – adds Alicia Yanishevska.

The commune plans to build a road for trucks. The population was not informed

The residents of Grabkov learned about the change in the development plan by accident, long after its approval. The main inconvenience that should follow from it is Access road to nearby logistics warehouses.

– We wanted to build an electric box on the border of the plot. Unfortunately, the commune did not give permission. We started an investigation and asked why this happened. Well, it turned out that it was The area is intended for road construction – says Patrikia Samsoniuk.

“The plans were posted on some board.”

– The authorities of the commune explain that the information about the spatial development plan was announced in the manner accepted in the commune. So they were probably posted on a board somewhere in the commune office. I go to the commune office once a year. sometimes not even – Alicia Yanishevska notes.

The commune knows where to come to collect taxes… and we don't live here until a hundred, so it will be difficult to find everyone at home. Five of us live here. I think it looks like an investment worth millions You can come and report that the development plan is changing Andrzej Kornacki comments.

– The fact The road should be about 20 meters long and very wide. The provincial road is not even 20 meters away. Moreover, it must come under my window. When I leave the house, I take 2-3 steps and see trucks coming. Well, that's why this road should be built. That is, for heavy vehicles, not for passenger cars. However, the 20-meter road is suitable for large vehicles – adds Patrycja Samsoniuk.

The planned investment is related to the operation A huge logistics warehouse already exists nearby. Therefore, the residents are not convinced by the argument that the road was mainly intended for their convenience.

Mayor of Malanov Commune: Everyone could comment

“Interwencja” team talked to Irineusz Augustyniak, the mayor of Malanów commune:

Reporter: If the local development plan is approved and this plan shows as much as these maps and it actually appears that in the middle of a beautiful, well-kept plot…

Mary: Not in the middle.

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Reporter: They will have 5 meters from the door to the road?

Mayor: That's how the road is designed Anyone could comment on this matterBecause public consultations were held.

Reporter: Are these consultations two weeks from publication to approval?

Mayor: Consultations took place in our meeting room. It's always like that – interested people come. There were residents and their arguments were understandable. I don't understand the popularity of this case.

– How much compensation will I receive? A third of the value of the house? I built it for 9 or 10 years. I have two children, one has asthma. I can't imagine that they grew up in such conditions. We chose the plot here because it is quiet and peaceful. Not a truck, not anything, but it turned out differently – says Andrzej Kornacki.

Video material from “Intervention” is available. 𝐆.


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