Together with Maria Kurovska, you appealed to the speaker of the Senate about the termination of Adam Bodnar's mandate as a senator.. The reason is to assume the duty of the prosecutor. We remind you that a prosecutor cannot be a deputy and a senator at the same time. What is the difference between Adam Bodnar and Zbigniew Ziobro?

Dr. Markin Romanowski: There is a fundamental difference here, no one has doubted that the functions of the minister and the general prosecutor can be combined with the parliamentary or senatorial mandate, because the general prosecutor has a completely different political position than the rank-and-file. Prosecutor and parliamentary or senator mandate cannot be combined with this function. This follows directly from the Constitution. In this case, something unprecedented happened. If we believe Prof. Adam Bodnar, he personally took over the registration and civil affairs. Such a thing never happened during the administration of the Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro, because it never occurred to him that he could interfere in the work of the Prosecutor's Office and take actions and take cases himself. This in no way follows from the statutory regulations.

Can't the superior prosecutor take the case?

Here the reference to Art. 9 does not apply to the Attorney General. Here it can be said that the General Prosecutor is the superior of all prosecutors, but he has only the powers derived from the provisions of the law. The Attorney General can, for example, file cassation appeals, but cannot personally handle individual cases. If the Attorney General started a criminal case, for example, he would have to question witnesses or take other procedural steps. That would be absurd. and breaking the law.

You wrote on X's website that if Marshall Kidava-Blonska does not share your opinion, the letter should be treated as information within the meaning of Art. § 304 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and, accordingly, inform the prosecutor or the police about it and, at the same time, take the necessary actions before the arrival of law enforcement authorities. how can we understand it?

We believe that Adam Bodnar wanted to control this issue so that the process of taking over the media was carried out in accordance with the ideas of the “Entry” group, or in general, the entire December 13 coalition. That's why he took this job. However, it cannot, because there is no need for a law. Therefore, we are faced with a simple alternative: either Adam Bodnar acted in accordance with the law and therefore his mandate should be terminated, or he violated the law, which means the need to initiate criminal proceedings against him for the crime of violence. powers. Then the mandate expires after the final conviction. Violation of the principle of impartiality is also a shameful thing. After all, Adam Bodnar is a member of the government, so he is a party to the conflict. But for these people, law and political culture mean nothing. Lawlessness and violence are their methods of operation. Therefore, all legal forms of pressure should be used to stop them. And then remove the idol of power and put the responsibility on them.

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