Both are known for their criticism The war started by Russia in Ukraine And with prayers for peace. Russian opposition forces informed Radio “Svoboda” about the repression against them, about the Russian journalist Ksenia Luchenko and the believers of the parish, which both priests serve. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has not yet issued an official statement on the matter, the Catholic News Agency reported.

Russia. Repression against Orthodox priests

F. Uminsky was a priest of Holy Trinity Parish in Moscow for more than 30 years. The crackdown on him began last year after an interview in which he made no secret of his anti-war views. The priest is a well-known publicist, the author of many articles on various topics, from pastoral issues to Christian pedagogy to commenting on current events. He took an active civil position on a number of important political and social issues, defended people displaced for political reasons and criticized the government for violating the rights of citizens.

At the parish meeting held at the end of December, Fr. Uminsky addressed the issue of the Christian attitude to peace, which the world does not want to hear, where people tear their hearts out in search of justice, and which is always achieved through violence against others. Only violence should overcome other violence. Otherwise, it is not fair.” The priest emphasized that a person cannot be forced to become a Christian, “but if we decide to do so, let's do the right thing, even if it doesn't work out.” Otherwise, you should “cut the Gospel to make it a convenient book for us and say that we are Orthodox without adding “Christian”, and if the external ideological form is more important to us than the words of the Gospel, then something. is wrong here. ”

In his place, the government of Rock appointed F. Andrey Tkachev, from Ukraine but living and working in Moscow for many years, is known for his pro-Kremlin views under the name “Orthodox Zhirinovsky”. On television and on social networks, where he is a frequent guest, he repeatedly justified and even glorified the war in Ukraine, but also recommended the use of violence against women “if necessary.”

F. Vladimir Lapshin, a former priest of Assumption, was one of the last students of the priest killed in September 1990. Alexandra Mienia. He was known, among other things, for his anti-war stance and sympathy for Ukraine, as well as for his speeches in defense of freedom of speech and religion.

All these actions of Rock and Patriarch Kirill personally confirm that the repression of the so-called opponents of the clergy. Special military operationi.e. The wars in Ukraine are deepening against equally important and valuable priests, who are known not only in Moscow, but also throughout Russia and beyond its borders. and replaced Fr. Umiński by Fr. Tkacheva is a clear demonstration of the Moscow Patriarchate's policy of promoting aggressive and violent Christianity, which cannot be reconciled with the image of Christ, but fits well with Putin's Russian policy.

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