At the beginning of January, the Minister of Justice, General Prosecutor Adam Bodnar instructed the National Prosecutor 94 prosecutors from the National Prosecutor's Office and 50 delegations from the District Prosecutor's Offices were dismissed.. – This is a very well thought out and prepared decision by me and the team of prosecutors who work with me in the ministry and give me advice in the context of the reform of the prosecutor's office, Bodnar claims.

“The simultaneous release of 144 prosecutors, who perform their duties in the National Prosecutor's Office and District Prosecutor's Offices, will lead to negative and irreversible legal consequences for the proceedings and, in particular, for the victims involved in these cases,” the letter reads. The statement is issued by the National Prosecutor's Office.

Dramatic consequences of Bodnar's actions

Now “Rzeczpospolita” is writing about the consequences of the minister's decision. “Among the 144 prosecutors, who were withdrawn by the Minister of Delegation, Adam Bodnar, there are investigators with special competence. Things can get bogged down, benefiting criminals“- alarm.

“RZ” indicates that five people from the “sensitive” Warsaw regional prosecutor's office will be sent back. “For example, Monika Schwirta, who conducts an international investigation into fraud on investment platforms and is the so-called The head of the JIT, the joint investigation team with the prosecutor's offices of Lithuania and Latvia”, we read. In this case, people from all over Europe were defrauded of more than PLN 100 million. Proc. Swirta is considered a high-class specialist: “Swirta is a PhD student at the University of Warsaw in the field of financial instruments trading.”

The Minister's decision also has a negative impact on the complex procedures of the DarkNet. We are talking about money laundering, document trafficking and identity theft. “Jedrzej Kupczynski, a PhD student at the Department of Forensic Science at the University of Warsaw, is in his report. Both of them are five people in the cybercrime department,” we read.

Are we facing paralysis?

– their cancellation, 40 percent. The staff de facto paralyzes the work of this unit – warns the head of the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office, prosecutor Jakub Romelczyk.

“Investigators from other regional prosecutor's offices are also conducting high-profile cases. Wrocław's prosecutor oversees a financial pyramid involving 90,000 defrauded people from around the world (932 volumes of files), another from Szczecin investigates a thousand companies that were “laundered” in 10 currency exchange offices. PLN billion. Three investigators from Łódź – on economic issues, including the 'useless mafia' – describe “Rzeczpospolita”.

Also read:
“Strong opposition”. Another protest against Bodnar's actions
Also read:
New statement of Bodnar MPs. Hard words are said

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