Australian police have recovered more than 250 native lizards after busting a smuggling ring. The value of the reptiles was estimated at 1.2 million dollars. The lizards had to go to Hong Kong. Four persons were arrested in the case.

Great action by the Australian police. Officers of New South Wales They destroyed the criminal syndicate. Three men and one woman have been arrested in Sydney for trying to smuggle reptiles from Australia. Their value was estimated at 1.2 million dollars.

The police took it 257 The Lizard and the Three Serpents. Animals were kept in bad conditions. Officers say the reptiles were contained and hidden in small containers, sharp packaging and grain containers.

look: Thailand. The lizard entered the store. The animal climbed onto the shelf

After the intervention of the police, they were taken, among others: to the botanical gardens. After treatment, they were released back into the wild.

Australia. The criminal group was disbanded. They smuggled reptiles

A 41-year-old woman was arrested in December 2023. This is reported by the Australian police He was charged with six counts of “unauthorized export of native specimens.”. The suspect was released on bail after posting bail.

as the second The police arrested a 54-year-old man, who was charged with four counts. In addition to the export of local species, it is responsible for, among other things: the disposal of property obtained from crime. The last of those arrested was a 59-year-old man, who was probably the leader of the group. He was charged with 13 charges. He was denied bail.

Australian reptiles sold in Hong Kong

WWF organization reports that St In recent decades, Hong Kong has dominated the international trade in many exotic animals.

look: Australia. A tennis match was interrupted by a poisonous snake in Brisbane. “I've never experienced anything like this.”

A study published by ADM Capital Foundation in 2021 shows that within five years dFour million live animals were brought into the cities from at least 84 countries.

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