On Sunday, the satirist and publicist aired on Republic TV Jan Pietrzak He said – as he put it – “a cruel joke”. Scandalous words touched immigrants.

The Minister of Justice responds to Pietrzak's words

responded to his statement Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar. “I asked the national prosecutor, Dariusz Barski, to make a statement Jan Pietrzak on Telewizja Republika and start an investigation,” he said on the social network.

Earlier, the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior stated that it had been informed about the crime committed by Pietrzak and TV Republika. “We let you know Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office “On the propaganda of Nazism and racist threats spread by Pietrzak,” the center said.

The Auschwitz Museum also commented on this matter. “The tragedy of Auschwitz shows what the ideas of hatred and contempt for another human being lead to. The instrumentalization of the fate of people who died in German camps with anti-immigration rhetoric is a shameful and appalling manifestation of moral and intellectual corruption.” It was written about it on the social network.

On the air of “Republica TV”, the head of the presidential office, Marcin Mastalerek, said that “the president did not like these words of Jan Pietrzak, he was indignant with them.” – It was not a joke. There are topics and issues in Poland that cannot be used, he added.

– For me, this was a completely stupid statement, I don't agree. If I met Jan Pietrzak, I would say this – said Mastalerek. – This was not a statement taken out of context. It was a statement divorced from the logic of reality and decency, he emphasized.

Scandalous words of Jan Pietrzak

– I have a cruel joke with these immigrants that they hope that the Poles are ready because we have barracks. We have barracks for immigrants: Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof. We have a lot of barracks built by the Germans, Pietrzak said on the air of Republic TV on Sunday.

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– And we will be (…) these immigrants who are illegally pushed by the Germans, because people fleeing to a better world are illegal. The government that let them in is illegal, that is, the Germans are illegal. Their slogan, which welcomed the newcomers, was illegal, extra-contractual and inconsistent with the laws. This is an illegal activity of Germany. We have to be sensitive about it next year, because it seems they are starting to bother us a lot – he added.

– Well, this is really a very strong joke – commented the host Katažina Goyska. – But it is also the case that you often talk about your experience related to the Second World War, so I think that those who have this personal experience can also say more – he added.

Jan Pietrzak spoke about his words in an interview with Gazeta.pl on Monday evening. – I didn't say that, they were the organizers (Germany – ed.). They said that they (immigrants – ed.) would be sent to Polish camps because they did not know where to keep them. I read somewhere that there are plans to create camps for migrants to be sent to Poland. That was my attitude to this information, he said.

He added that “the announcement is drastic because Germany is doing drastic things.” – It is a crime to send emigrants who come to other countries without the consent of these emigrants and with the will of Germany. There is no provision in the treaties that people can be resettled regardless of where they want to live. These immigrants are going to Germany, not Poland, and they want to resettle them. This is Germany's fault, I noticed that Germany has this habit, he said.

The satirist also said that no one forbade him to remember what the Germans did in Poland.

– I don't understand this storm – said Jan Pietrzak.

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