The method of taking TVP causes great emotions. We remind you that on Wednesday, December 20, representatives of the company's “new government” entered TVP's headquarters, accompanied by several anonymous men. During the fight in the public television building PiS deputy Joanna Boroviak was injured. The signal of the public information television was switched off and the daily news edition was not broadcast.

Grzegorz Schetina from PO was asked about the actions of the Minister of Culture. – This is a very difficult scenario. Sienkiewicz does it consistently, and the question is where that consistency will end and what the ending will be. Because I think that January 11 will also be a symbol, that is, an action organized by PiS. They will certainly increase this resistance, occupation Plac Powstańców Warszawy, TVP building. All this will be over, the senator said in an interview with TVN24.

He added that he believed that eventually “the government and the law will be right.”

An agreement with the president?

He added that he is in favor of reaching an agreement with the president, however, he emphasized that “it will not be easy.”

– Moreover, it will be difficult, because we have to look at the whole camp with the so-called united right. A lot is happening inside, we can't see it from the outside, but I believe that there will be a search for a new system, a leader, problems will arise in the relationship between Kaczynski and the parliamentary club. Many things will happen when writing these big scenarios – said Grzegorz Schetina.

In his opinion, the European Parliament elections will change the president's policy. – I believe that before the European Parliament campaign, we will be part of a political dispute or a political war. Today you see that everything will be very, very difficult. It will continue until June, and after June there will definitely be some ceasefire and some idea of ​​cohabitation, that is, cooperation between the big and small palaces. This is necessary for the state to function normally, says the civil platform politician.

Also read:
What about the objectivity of TVP? This is how he responded to Duda's speech

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