The Warsaw-Środmieszki District Court prepared orders for the transfer of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik to prison. Thus, both politicians are expected to begin serving their two-year prison terms soon after the December court verdict.

What will PiS do?

According to Wirtualna Polska, the leadership of Law and Justice must convince the politicians who will take the seats of Kaminski and Wasik in the Sejm to refuse to accept the mandate.

According to the results of the elections held on October 15 of last year, Mariusz Kaminski will be replaced by Monika Pavlovska, and Macie Vesic will be replaced by Violeta Kulpa. Both politicians do not want to comment on this issue yet.

– I don't want to comment on this. We are currently preparing for a protest against the trampling of democracy in front of the Seimas. When the time comes, I will decide what to do with the mandate, he said in an interview with Kulpa.

– I will not comment on this issue until it is finally decided by the speaker of the Seimas and until further decisions are made by the party leadership and KP PiS. I will inform you about all decisions in due course, Pavlovska said.

Court decision

The court did not receive applications on Monday Refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings Against former CBA executives. He also rejected the request of the prosecutor's office and lawyers.

The Warsaw court also decided not to suspend the execution of the two-year prison terms of the two politicians of Law and Justice.

“Taking into account the content of the decision and the order to execute the decision, the executive documentation was prepared, including the orders to bring the convicts to the MK and MW penitentiary units,” – Judge Piotr Maksimowicz, Vice-President of the Warsaw-Shrodmieszki District Court. told Wirtualna Polska.

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The case of Kaminski and Vesik. Charneck: We are dealing with a judicial crime
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