On Thursday, the Minister of Justice and the General Prosecutor Adam Bodnar decided to stop the delegation of prosecutors to the National Prosecutor's Office. The reason for this was the difficult staffing situation of the organizational units of the two lowest-level subdivisions (district prosecutor's office and district prosecutor's office).

By its very nature, delegation is temporary. This means that the delegated prosecutor remains in an employment relationship with the parent entity (holds a full-time position) and at the same time does not conduct proceedings there. This work burdens other employees of the units.

Chishinsky: This is a serious mistake

The decision of Adam Bodnar was criticized by the former Minister of Digital Affairs, Janusz Cieszynski. He noted that the withdrawal of 6 out of 10 prosecutors' delegation, which is engaged in the fight against cybercrime, is a “serious mistake”.

“You're taking things away from people who have worked for years on the ground, trained in difficult issues, and are not involved in politics. You are also losing experts who were responsible for the construction of the IT systems of the entire prosecutor's office. The sooner you get out. All the better for Poland,” the PiS politician wrote on the social network.


The comment is issued by the National Prosecutor's Office

as well as the National Prosecutor's Office evaluated the decision The Minister of Justice is wrong. The released statement emphasizes that this will lead to “negative and irreversible legal consequences for the proceedings and, in particular, for the injured parties involved in these cases.”

As PK emphasizes, as a result of Bodnar's decision, “the Department of Cybercrime and Computerization, which is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the most serious cybercrime processes, which are of particular importance today,” will practically cease to exist. “There is a similar situation in the International Cooperation Office, which recently, among others, was involved in the case of the extradition of Sebastian M., a suspect from Dubai. – indicated.

Also read:
Bodnar: I signed the letter. Poland will join the European Public Prosecutor's Office
Also read:
Bodnar intervenes in the prosecutor's office and takes over the proceedings of TVP

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