We remember exactly the slogans with which the current government encouraged the public not so long ago. In addition to “free courts”, they also wanted “free media”.

TSomehow it happened strangely that the less advertisements (announcements) were made by the government or state treasury institutions in the “free media” (read: GazWyb, TVN, Newsweek), Lower Poland was placed in the so-called. Media freedom rating.

Those who are more interested in the topic will reach the sources and answer what Adam Michnik did among the “jurors”. 😉

But now, after the “Democrats” have taken power, we should expect a violent ejaculation, sorry, an eruption of media freedom.

And so it happened. 😉

Jaruzelski's daughter, Monika, was the first to find out what “democratic media freedom” really means.

The daughter of the first president of the Third Polish Republic, formerly a red bandit who pacified Poland in the interests of the Kremlin rulers, decided to interview Grzegorz Braun, n.b. MP still elected for the second term in a row.

However, it turns out that Brown is beyond the pale of political life by yesterday's “Democratic opposition.”

According to the rotating marshal of Holon, Brown should be held criminally responsible for blowing out the Hanukkah candles in the Sejm building.

It is true that the same Hollow was once strongly opposed to art. 196 of the Penal Code (offensive to religious feelings), but then it was a question of offending the feelings of Catholics, and they do not deserve protection, as we should suppose…

Jaruzelska finally understood what it was like freedom of the media The elections were held on October 15.

Such a meeting took place about two weeks ago, and two days later, on Monday, an announcement appeared on my channel that Grzegorz Braun would be invited to the program. (…) Two hours after this statement went out, I received a call from the editor, the deputy editor of this title, to inform me that the program has been suspended.


But this, of course, does not end the adventure of the “General's daughter”. A man from Bialystok who was legally convicted of a common crime Rafal Gaveli (currently hiding from the Polish justice system in Norway) does not forgive Monika.

His Facebook profile reads:

Monika Jaruzelska lost her job for promoting the extreme right

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to inform you that Monika Jaruzelska has just lost her job.

As he admits, this had to do with the publication of a recording in which he promoted Grzegorz Brown, allowing him to spread anti-Semitic content on his social media channels.

Previously, blogger Monika Jaruzelska also supported other far-right and pro-Russian politicians, including Janusz Korwin-Mike, who, after our report, is being investigated by the Warsaw Żoliborz District Prosecutor's Office for calling for the killing of left-wing people. Wing's political views.

As our center has confirmed, Jaruzelska no longer works at SWPS University, the university has no connection with this person.

Monika Jaruzelska should realize that by making her channels available to spread hateful, anti-Semitic content, she will lose credibility and trust among people.

An old Hebrew proverb says: “He who lies down with dogs wakes up with fleas.”

Our Center raised suspicions that Grzegorz Braun and Monika Jaruzelska had committed a crime after they posted content on their channel that promoted hatred of people who teach Judaism.

Monika Jaruzelska is an active politician, so she cannot be a journalist and cannot use the privileges of the press law. You cannot be a politician and a journalist at the same time, just as you cannot be a critic and an actor or a player and a judge at the same time.

Jaruzelska is so desperate that she has announced that she will make her channels available to the PJJ organization, which combines lovers of criminals Putin and Lukashenko and is connected to fascists from “Kamraktvo”.

But it's really about the money. Gaweł is amazingly good at this. It is true that he is already legally convicted of fraud, but… A political fiction fanzine from Czerska (former Gazeta Wyborcza) is trying to portray him as a political victim… PIS!

Therefore, Gavel can beg in peace.

But the real gems of “democratic” thought are hidden on the X website (formerly Twitter). Here's a boy Arkadiusz G. Silni Razem Hit without any inhibition:

Below the above insult, Tusk's new parliamentary puppet – a certain one – published his note Michal Kolodziejak.

In addition, in this thread we find the records of the drunken lieutenant colonel Sienkiewicz, the former ombudsman and currently the Minister of Justice Bodnar, deputy Giertuski, etc. for the liquidation of Polish culture.

It seems that the entry of Arkadyush G. does not bother anyone; At best, it can be seen as too hasty to reveal real intentions.

Jaruzelska was clearly placed in the category of symmetrical or Viennese women.

So we have a plan for the next quarter – to take control and run the government media, destroy or limit those that are still independent, and above all to sue anyone who turns out to be an evil fraud from Bialystok, currently sheltered. Seeker in Norway. However, we must remember that Spashlak is used to living lavishly on other people's money. And as we know at least from the pre-war period – He who pays demands.

Consequently, we will have attacks on independent politicians, journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and even blocking of social media profiles.

Anyone who remembers the censorship of the Polish People's Republic soon comes to the conclusion that… things were better under Girek.

Apart from the declared war against the Church etc., there were increasingly strong dreams of repealing the PAD before the end of his term… by referendum.

Attention, the author of the post is… a doctor!

We must remember that Strong together It is a creation of the present Prime Minister's party.

The Civil Coalition launched the “Stronger Together” campaign – a special bus and hotline calling on people to support the opposition's campaign. KO politicians appeal to the people, contact them and work together in the campaign.

During the PiS conference, attention was drawn to the fact that offensive posts appeared under the hashtag #SilniRazem. – For a dozen weeks, maybe a little more, a seemingly spontaneously created grassroots hashtag has been appearing on the Internet. #StrongTogether. Today, at a KO staff conference, it was revealed that this was a planned action sponsored by MP Krzysztof Brezha and MP Adam Schlapka. The content found under this hashtag is not only outrageous, but also vulgar, said the head of the Prime Minister's Office, Michal Dworczyk.


Tusk's stories of supposed national harmony, &c. So they are just stories.

What they really want to do is write to us, generally *****.

Tusk as the new Yaruzelsk will only make us laugh.

Relying on screaming idiots like Kolodziejak, legal luminaries like M. Giertuski or drunkards with the rank of lieutenant colonel of the secret services, combined with promises that PiS has not made in its 8 years, is not even an explosive mix.

This is simply a hasty end to left-wing rule in Poland.

And, unfortunately, it is already clear that this time democracy will have to give in to the angry people.

And it will definitely happen. In addition to increasing wages for certain professional groups in Poland, Tusk is also preparing price increases in the rest of Poland. ZUS will increase the prices of basic services for entrepreneurs by PLN 250 only.

What about increasing the fuel surcharge?

The left-wing part of our country's citizens still believes in promises.

Tusk apparently forgot how quickly the sympathy of the electorate turned into hostility.

Therefore, he will continue to do so until the European Parliament elections Grandfather Frost And the next groups will get the scrap.

But the second half of the year will be a time of relentless belt-tightening.

Rudy However, he forgets that this suggests that established law and even the Constitution cannot be taken into account. therefore…

The dawn of winter will be better for you

Both the rope and the branch bent under the weight.

In 2024, winter ends on March 20.

2/01 2024

Ps. The situation of the Tusk support group is illustrated in this post.

This is five (4.80) less than the 2014 Polish budget expenditure.

And we gave power to such people…

Screens: youtube, X

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