Known for his sharp speaking style, Krzysztof Skiba often makes critical comments about right-wing politicians. He has been targeting the government and Jaroslaw Kaczynski for many years. On Epiphany Day, he dealt another blow to the PiS president. He called it “Child in the Mist”. But that's not all.

Skiba attacks Jaroslaw Kaczynski. He referred to an epiphany

for many people Krzysztof Skiba He is primarily the frontman of a Polish band big breastsWhose greatest recognition came in the second half of the 1990s and the beginning of the 1900s, the artist also served as a columnist for two years, commenting on what was happening in Poland.

His main target is right-wing politicians. He often spoke rudely about this topic Yaroslav Kaczynski, which he clearly does not like. Skiba caused quite a storm a few months ago. Internet users interpreted his words quite clearly.

– I announced Krzysztof Krawczyk, Krzysztof Krawczyk is dead. I declare Jerzy Polomski, Jerzy Polomski is dead, I declare Zbigniew Wodecki, Zbigniew Wodecki is dead. I dream of Yaroslav Kaczynski's announcement – said the musician.

By the way, on January 6 Epiphany The leader of Big Cyc made another harsh comment against the PiS president. “A power-sick child in the mist From Oliborts, he bowed to the three kings. Blindness, stupidity and envy” – he wrote.

As always, there are people on the internet who agree with Skiba. “How accurate and how many more there are who bow before him“; “Great and true”; “As always”; “This chick is not worthy of any wise man. Send it to space so you don't have to scare the kids away from the TV screen,” they responded.

There were also rumors that the musician went a little crazy again. “How much self-loathing you must have every time you get up and think about JK and how you hurt him and everyone else is clapping for you, it's a shame”; “He can now leave this powerless grandfather alone. The jokes about him are no longer funny and are starting to get embarrassing,” Skiba said.

Skiba makes fun of TV Republika and Michał Rachoń

It is worth noting that Skiba shared his thoughts on the station during Christmas Television Republic and Michal Rachon. “For lovers of horror and all kinds of horror films, I recommend the news broadcasts of the TV company “Republic”.

“Any viewer who likes a sharp ride, TV à la Rachoń that swells the brain and legs like a werewolf, should check out TV Republika this Christmas. A moment of relaxation, fantasy and horror. One. It's more exciting entertainment than celebrity fights FameMMA , where a fifty-year-old alcoholic and recidivist fights the teenage fiancee of his spasmodic idiot son. Remember! The station's slogan is the motto of the famous murderer Wieś Toporek. “It's better to be afraid than to think”. Enjoy watching,” he added.

Adamchik was also hit recently

At the beginning of January, the leader of Big Cyc dedicated a record to the representatives of the right. Skiba, by the way, leaned up Grzegorz Brown, which caused a scandal in the Sejm before Christmas. He mocked the politician, claiming that he “decided to marry a powder fire extinguisher” and, in his opinion, they were “the most compatible couple among Polish hooligans”.

was also mentioned Michal Adamchik Regarding changes in TVP. “It's already certain! PiS is going like the Titanic to collide with the Polish state, building alternative, underground structures and institutions,” Skiba wrote.

“There is already their “president” of TVP, editor Adamchik, who is right He made millions, but could not pay child support“- he added.

We remind you that Agnieszka Pieczurska, Former wife of Michal AdamchikIn an interview given to “Fakti”, he revealed that he had a difficult relationship with his ex-partner regarding the money of their common child. he demanded Increasing the amount of alimony From the current PLN 2.4 thousand to PLN 6000 zlotys. Earlier it was reported that Adamczyk was to receive almost 1.5 million PLN for his work on TVP in 2023.

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