Even before Thursday's march in Warsaw, Law and Justice politicians and supportive media floated several conspiracy theories related to the Jaroslaw Kaczynski-inspired event. Here are some of them.

In the beginning Television Republic, who took over the propaganda baton of PiS after the changes introduced by the new government coalition in the public media. Former star of TVPiS Danuta Holekka On January 10, it announced that a hole had been dug in the ground in front of its new station building.

– complete coincidence. City services dig holes in front of the Republic headquarters, which sees a rapid increase in the number of spectators. Similar actions can be found in Russia, his guest commented on the news.

“The timing is perfect,” Halleck said, presumably suggesting that the renovations began in connection with Thursday's scheduled renovations. PiS march in the capital.

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But during the event itself, the TV company “Republica” went one step further. The station had a connection problem during the coverage of the PiS march, which is quite normal considering such a large crowd, so the organizers blamed from the stage, well, who?

Tomasz Sakiewicz talked about the hacking attack that would follow. – Television Republic has a signal that goes through terrestrial television and the decoders are turned off – it was said at the protest. The spokesperson of PiS commented on this: Rafal Bochenekwho noted that he “doesn't believe in coincidences”.

Theory of bread and smog

Speaking of Bochenek, on Thursday morning he was spinning a narrative that the government's security center wanted to “scare” marchers by sending RCB alerts about smog.

“But they are panicking… Tusk and Holonia from TVN are dismissing the Sejm and the entire administration, running away from the parliament because they are afraid of the citizens. They know that they are acting illegally! Now they are using government institutions for party interests to hinder and prevent people from protesting free Poles,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

“It turns out that they have even 'polluted' the air in the capital and RCB is sending the following messages. You will not scare us! You will not stop this democratic force,” he added.

Moreover, he reiterated his conspiracy theory during Thursday's protest.

– Also today, Tusk authorities, the Government Security Center RCB, sent information about air pollution and urged people to stay at home. No, we will not listen to these lies – PiS representative shouted from the stage.

Indeed, on Thursday, several Polish cities issued similar statements regarding poor air quality. This happened due to unfavorable weather, which increased the accumulation of smog.

But the problem is that the announcement was not made for Warsaw. On the website of the Government Security Center, you can read that the warning covers only a few counties in the following voivodeships: Opole, Podkarpackie, Swietokrzyskie, Lower Silesia, Lesser Poland and Silesia.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535712,duda-spotkal-sie-z-zonami-wasika-i-kaminskiego-oswiadczenie

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