Maciej Orłości hosted the first episode of Teleexpress after a break of almost 8 years. In the latest issue of the magazine, he talked about the war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, the debut of Mickey Mouse and the world championship… in darts. – I like to go back to where I was before – said the host.

Maciej Orłości returned to TVP. This is what happened in “Teleexpress”

Supporters of the old “Teleexpress” They have been waiting for this moment for almost 8 years. Maciej Orłości came back TVP and hosted the first edition of the program Starting with the reference of Zbigniew Vodecki.

– Hello after a short break. I like to go back to where I was before, he said. He also said that “Teleexpress” breaks new ground. – It drives quickly, dynamically, easily, punctually and reliably – assured the leader.

The magazine discussed the war in Ukraine, the Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine, road safety and Jennifer Lopez's new album.

However, a TVP journalist began by showing the results of the freezing rain, which caused major delays to many trains in the country.

The World Cup of Darts was presented as a curiosity. A 16-year-old was promoted there. The journalist also spoke about the anniversary of Mickey Mouse's debut. At this time, he allowed himself to joke.

– It's hard to believe, but Mickey Mouse debuted on the screen even before me, in 1988 – he said. There was also material on the 2023 Youth Speech.

Maciej Orłości on TVP: It's a pleasure to invite you to tomorrow's “Teleexpress”

They also mentioned their father Confusion surrounding the mandates of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński or about the work of the civil coalition on the “0 percent loan” project.

At the end of the program, Orloshi said goodbye to the audience. – And how nice it is for me to be able to invite you to tomorrow's “Teleexpress”. We leave tomorrow at 5 o'clock sharp. See you later, he said.

As we wrote in naTematThe journalist announced his return to TVP yesterday. “Thursday, January 4 at 5pm. Maciej Orłości, please visit Teleexpress. PS This is not a photomontage!” – he wrote on Instagram.

Maciej Orłości on leaving TVP: It was spine breaking

The face of “Teleexpress” at the end of November and December, he explained the reasons in naTemat Leaves TVP after Jacek Kurski took over the station.

– I didn't leave television because the right-wingers “took power” there. If he just ran the media honestly, I'd be there, he said.

– I just knew that I can work honestly and there are people who rule Poland. It was all about the unacceptable style, rudeness, propaganda actions and breaking the journalists' spines, he added.

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