After midnight (January 1), someone organized a fireworks show in the valley of five Polish basins – despite the ban. The Tatromaniak website reports that a large cash reward awaits anyone who can name the person responsible for the disturbance. In the comments under the video of the display of fireworks in the Tatra Mountains, Internet users cannot believe that this is another manifestation of human stupidity.

Fireworks in the valley of five Polish basins

Monday (January 1) Afternoon Service Tatro maniac He posted a video showing this on his social network profile Fireworks show illegally organized Five Polish basin fields In Tatra Mountains. In the short clip, someone can be seen setting off fireworks next to bodies of water. The shots were accompanied by many cries of admiration.

A portal dedicated to Tatra enthusiasts announced that “An anonymous person will pay 5000 PLN. zloty To identify the name and surname of the person organizing this show on New Year's Eve.” After identifying the culprit, the case should be handed over to the relevant authorities.

“I hope that this “pseudo-tourist – a lover of the beauty of the Tatra mountains, who respects his ego” will report himself and be severely punished”; “I'm crossing my fingers that this person suffers the consequences of his stupidity”; “Words cannot express such a lack of imagination”; “From what we see and hear, there were more pseudo-tourists. They probably don't understand what it's like in the mountains. I feel sorry for the animals that panicked and ran away at a terrible speed,” we read online. User comments on Facebook.

Note that the following are at special risk from the noise of fireworks: deer, bear and deer living in the Tatra mountains.

On New Year's Eve, December 31, 2023, Tatra National Park It urged tourists to stay away from fireworks for the sake of “wild animals, as well as homeless, farm and domestic animals”. “We have no influence on such natural events as hurricanes, the intensity of which cannot be compared to New Year's Eve fireworks. However, we do have an influence on the nightmare we create for nature every year,” the park wrote on Facebook. profile.

He spoke about the January 1 incident Karolina Corwin-Piotrowska. The pop culture journalist did not spare bitter words. “What the f***,” he said, then encouraged followers to share Tatromaniac information.

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