Activists working to improve access to abortion are holding demonstrations under the slogan “last call”. They will be held on Sunday, January 7 in Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznan and Gdańsk.

During the previous election campaign, politicians addressed many words, including promises, to women. The result was gigantic – 74.38 percent. – On October 15, the activity and victory of democratic parties. And how many debates have there been about which gender is more politically active and why, and how sad that women are less involved (although they are not) because they are more democratic voters.

Women were called to stand up and defend democracy. And if successful, their reproductive rights, which were taken away in 1993, will be restored. Donald Tusk vowed that no one would find a place in his lists who was against the liberalization of the abortion law.

They went and protected. Then the stairs started. The word “abortion” was not even mentioned in the coalition agreement, replaced by a general slogan about women's rights and only in the sixth paragraph – with a coded message: see how many important issues, yours is not the most important. Even if women die in hospitals, they kill the fetuses in them. Władysław Kosiniak-Kamish started calling again The right to abortion is an ideological issue.

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Marshal Holovnya, harassed in the corridors of the parliament, avoided saying that he would not keep anything in the freezer and that all proposals would be considered. Even the ready-made act on the decriminalization of abortion, prepared two years ago by Magdalena Biejat, was not used. However, it will be an immediate rescue for women whose lives are in danger here and now, even though it will be three months after the elections.

Instead, the coalition's first jointly drafted, winning and symbolic bill on October 15 was in vitro.

This is a clear political message to me: we are a little nicer to you, but just like the previous ones, we know what will be better for you – women. And, of course, motherhood. It will help you with everything: relationship problems, painful periods, depression and even teach you common sense. Everyone has probably heard this nonsense before. Motherhood can also be a punishment for “irresponsible” sex.

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Finally, politicians began to say more openly that the coalition agreements do not yet allow for the liberalization of abortion law, because the third way is conservative. Probably not only them, if we judge by the number of civil coalition MPs who take the parliamentary oath with the words “God save me” and the fact that time is running out and they are not in a hurry to pay the election loan for women.

Katažina Kotula announces the development of laws on hate speech and civil partnerships. Excellent. But I fear that if this postulate succeeds, there will be another “leftist” within a year at the earliest.

I would like to remind the ruling politicians that since the establishment of the government, they, the ruling democrats of Poland, have been bragging about their gigantic activity abroad and talking about it. “Generation of October 15”They will be responsible for every health injury, every life tragedy, every death of a woman who is forced to continue a pregnancy she doesn't want.

The Abortion Dream Team writes: “On January 7, 1993, a ban on abortion was introduced in Poland with three exceptions. 31 years and after the last change of government in parliamentary elections, activists working to improve access to abortion are organizing demonstrations in many cities (Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań and Gdańsk) under the slogan “Ostatni Dzwonek”. Reminds politicians that it's time to act on a generous campaign promise to change anti-abortion laws.

“Abortion was crucial to the outcome of the election because it was the record turnout of women that decided the outcome, so we expect it to be seen as a key issue for the new government.”

Promotions will be held on Sunday, January 7:

  • Warsaw: 14:00, Copernicus monument
  • Wrocław: 14:00 near Pręgierz
  • Gdańsk: 14:00, House of Torture, Targ Węglowy
  • Poznań: 14:00, Stary Rynek pod Pręgierzem
  • Lodge: 18:00, Klubokawiarnia Niebostan (call room)

Bring bells, keychains, alarm clocks. Post a photo or video with a call and hashtags #lastcall, #abortionkey, #31 years

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