Magdalena Adamovich gave an interesting interview on the anniversary of the attack on Pavel Adamovich. He did not hide the fact that he would like to take into account all the violations reported in the public media. – The knife was only a weapon. Feelings killed Pavel, words killed him, he emphasized.

– I feel it even now Pavel Adamovich's wife. I was single for many years and I feel much better with that term than being called a widow, she said Magdalena Adamovich on Polsat News.

In a conversation with Agnieszka Gozdira, he recalled the tragedy of five years ago. – I am not a man of revenge. I have the gift of not hating. I don't even have a grudge against Paul's killer. Great, he admitted.

Magdalena Adamovic about public media

Adamowicz noted that “for eight years, the public media was divided and the Poles were very divided.” In his opinion, those who contributed to this “must be held accountable.”

– This is not about revenge, but about responsibility for your words and actions. Because of what you did, but also because of what you didn't do, he explained.

I would like all the violations that have been reported in the public media to be publicly reported.Magdalena AdamovichA statement from Polsat News

What settlements did Magdalena Adamovich have in mind? He did not hide the fact that a commission of inquiry that would appear in the public media would be a good idea.

At the same time, she admitted that she “barely thinks” about her husband's killer. – I don't think in this sense that it was the knife that killed Pavel. The knife was just a tool. Pavel was killed by feelings, words killed him – he said.

Tusk on the anniversary of the attack on Adamović

Saturday evening Donald Tusk He appeared at the rally organized at the event The fifth anniversary of Pavel Adamovich's death. Within the framework of the event, the Prime Minister remembered an old friend and his legacy.

– Today we face a big question: in which direction will our nation go? Will we succumb to contempt, hatred and lies, will we overcome this dramatic moment in the history of our country, and will Pavel Adamovich's legacy be stronger than the evil that has spread in our homeland in recent years, said the Prime Minister. Minister.

This year's commemoration of Adamović began on Friday and will end on Sunday, January 14. From Saturday afternoon, spectators could, among other things: take part in a carillon concert in the main town hall and meet the award winner. President Pavel Adamovich.

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