The topic of clerical celibacy often returns in all discussions about the state of the Catholic Church. However, this time it was brought up by someone who can make a real difference in this topic. Archbishop Charles Scicluna, who is an adviser to Pope Francis, said the Roman Catholic Church “should seriously consider allowing priests to marry.”

Will priests be able to marry?

Archbishop Charles Scicluna There is a high official from Malta The Vatican and a counselor Pope Francis. He gave an interview to the Times of Malta, which on Sunday published the conversation with the undersecretary at the Vatican's doctrinal office. It was there that the words were uttered, which sparked a heated discussion about the celibacy of the priesthood.

– This is the first time I am saying this publicly, and for some it sounds heretical – the priest began. Charles Scicluna. – If it were up to me, I would change the requirement of celibacy for priests. Experience has shown me that this is something we should seriously think about, he said.

In the meantime, what is the legal position on this issue? Clerical celibacy? On the one hand, Pope Francis ruled out the possibility of changing the Roman Catholic rule, which obliges priests to be celibate. On the other hand, celibacy is a formal doctrine of the Church, and therefore the next pope can change it. Archbishop Scicluna, on the other hand, is a clergyman known for investigating sexual abuse crimes. One of the arguments he cited for abolishing celibacy was the fact that priests could get married in the first millennium of Church history and that marriage is now permitted in the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church.

“Priests fall in love”

– If it were up to me, I would change the requirement of celibacy for priests. Experience has shown me that this is something we should seriously think about, he said. He also emphasized that there are not rare situations when priests fall in love and celibacy forces them to choose between family life and priestly ministry.

He believes that: “The Church has lost many great priests because they chose marriage.” In the interview, he also said that “there is a place in the church” for celibacy, but it is also necessary to take into account human emotions. He noted that some priests face a dilemma and make a choice, while others “secretly engage in sentimental relationships.”

A few months ago, Pope Francis also spoke about celibacy in an interview with the Argentinian portal, where he spoke about its “temporary nature”. The Pope called celibacy a “temporary norm” and pointed to Eastern churches where clergy have the freedom to start a family. – Before ordination, priests have a choice whether they want to marry or remain celibate, Francis said. Then we asked a Polish priest, Father Pawel Guzynski, what the chances were of abolishing celibacy in Poland. spiritual In an interview with our journalist Katajina Novak However, he was skeptical of this solution because of the difficulties associated with its implementation.

According to him, even if celibacy were to be abolished one day, “it would be a huge problem for people.” why – There will be an issue of the status of priests' wives and children (…) especially in the Polish context, it is easy to imagine what these children will have to endure – said the priest in an interview with naTemat. .pl.

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