Civic coalition leader Donald Tusk promised to release funds for the national reconstruction plan “the day after” his election victory, but failed to do so. Only until the end of the year Poland received 5 billion euros from the RePowerEU program, which is part of the KPO.

28.7 percent of respondents polled by IBriS are convinced that the head of the new government has “fairly” or “definitely” fulfilled his promise to get European money quickly. “It should be emphasized that among PiS and Confederation supporters, none of the respondents gave such an answer,” reports Rzeczpospolita, which commissioned the survey.

“The undecided are as skeptical as the right-wing voters: only 3 percent of the respondents of this group agree with the fact that the leader of the coalition fulfilled his pre-election announcement”, reports “RZ”. The newspaper notes that a clear majority of people (61%) who support the “democratic-liberal camp”, i.e. KO, PL2050 and NL, believe that Donald Tusk has achieved a breakthrough in getting money from the EU from the post-COVID fund.

KPO promise. Half of the Poles believe that Tusk did not keep his word

The percentage of respondents who believe that the promise is still far from being fulfilled, according to the average results, the majority of respondents – 54.3%. In the group of people supporting the previous ruling camp, 100 percent of the respondents answered that “probably” or “definitely” the head of the government did not keep his word.

Voters of the current coalition are more optimistic: among them, only 25 percent of respondents believe that the promise was not fulfilled. 57 percent are undecided.

The newspaper notes that right-wing voters have a strong opinion on KPO – there is not a single person who chooses the “don't know” option. However, there are many such people among the undecided (39%). Among the supporters of the new government, 15 percent have no opinion about KPO. Respondents – we read “RZ”.

Also read:
What will KPO funds be used for? The minister indicated the first three investments

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