Did the turnout at yesterday's demonstration give law and justice politicians a big reason to be happy?

Marek Suski: It can be said that we have mixed feelings. It is good that there were many people, but it is not good that such masses are against breaking the law. Breaking the law is an evil in itself, practiced today by a coalition of revenge and fear, because it was concealed yesterday. This was of course agreed with the coalition partners. That is why they know that they are breaking the law and are afraid of social protests.

The main negative figure was Marshall Holloway, who was perhaps cynically used by Tusk?

Apparently so, but he seems to be doing it willingly, so not only is he being exploited, but he himself is one of those in power who is acting illegally.

Did yesterday's activity increase the radicalism of the authorities' actions in the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic?

It is possible. It is difficult for me to say why particular people came to this procession. Some estimate attendance as high as 300,000. people. Those I spoke to were already ready to go to the march before these decisions were made by Messrs. Kaminski and Vesik. However, it certainly warmed the atmosphere. I don't know if this was a deliberate move to radicalize people before the march. Many statements by “total force” politicians argued that this would amount to storming the Capitol. They dreamed that public property would be destroyed, demonstrations could be broken up and organizers could be punished. All those who protested did so peacefully and this unhealthy expectation of the government was not justified. In addition, several buses went to Radom prison yesterday, where Mariusz Kaminski is being held.

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