As a result of the investigation conducted by the Szczecin branch of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, 30 people were charged, including the former speaker of the Senate Tomasz G. The prosecutor accused the suspects of working with a specialist in 2008-2019. hospital. Prof. Alfred Sokolowski in Szczecin.

criminal behavior

The procedure involved asking the patients for PLN 10,000. PLN in exchange for admitting them to a hospital outside the official waiting list and undergoing bariatric surgery, the cost of which was reimbursed from the National Health Fund.

The money donated by the patients was transferred to the account of the Szczecin Transplantology Support Fund and transferred to the doctors employed at the Szczecin Hospital. As a result, patients who paid had surgery within months of the announcement of such payment, while the average waiting time for other people for bariatric surgery was about 2 years.

As the investigators note, the entire process of spending funds by the fund was opaque. Based on the accountant's report, criminal charges were brought against the subsequent presidents of FPT and the person holding the accounts.

As reported by the prosecutor's office, “the so-called The creator and initiator of the above-described method of receiving payments from bariatric patients was Tomasz G., then director of the specialized hospital of Professor Alfred Sokolowski in Szczecin-Zdunow, as well. As the founder of the Transplantation Support Foundation, who actually made decisions in this entity. c. is a former Senate Marshal on behalf of the Civic Platform.

During the investigation, Tomasz G., who holds the position of senator, was presented to the Senate of the Republic of Poland for approval. Criminal prosecution.

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