30/12/2023, 05:10

According to Maciej Świrski, the 2024 KRRiT budget, although much higher than this year's, is insufficient (Photo: Wojciech Olkuśnik/East News)

In 2024, the National Broadcasting Council should spend 68%. More money than a year earlier – the Chairman of the Council Maciej Świrski told the members of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Media.

Next year, the National Broadcasting Council should contribute PLN 44.4 million to the state budget, or 22%. More on the 2023 plan. This amount includes, among others: revenues from license fees.

Shvirski: “KRRiT should be ahead of the law”

Next year's expenses of the National Broadcasting Council amount to PLN 140.1 million, including PLN 60 million for the activities of the National Broadcasting Council and its offices (up 41 percent), and PLN 89.2 million will be spent on the execution of orders. Council at the National Media Institute (up 89 percent). Total planned costs should be 68%. It is higher compared to the 2023 financial plan.

Also read: Maciej Świrski compiles a list of deleted material from TVP and Polish Radio. This includes: About “Reset”.

Shvirsky explained that an image reference center will be created in the National Broadcasting Council, where image and sound registration will be possible.

– At the moment of violence (via artificial intelligence mechanisms – editor's note) You will be able to go to court to protect this image. This is an urgent matter, especially as this technology advances. There are no statutory regulations on the subject yet, but the National Broadcasting Council needs to stay ahead of the law because the technology is evolving so quickly, Shwirsky said.

He also mentioned the new tasks that the National Broadcasting Council will have to fulfill in connection with the introduction of the EU's DSA Directive – the Digital Services Act.

Employment at the National Media Institute has increased

KIM, on the other hand, should have PLN 72.8 million in revenue from its operations in 2024, 49.3% more than last year. More than this year's law provides. This is mainly the income from the services provided to the National Broadcasting Council, for example, the founding research PLN 18 million or the radio audience research PLN 10.7 million. In 2024, KIM plans to reach 770,000. PLN of net profit, compared to the planned profit of PLN 4.2 million for 2023. – This is primarily due to the increased burden of amortization of financial expenses incurred in previous years – explained Shversky.

Also read: Income of the former heads of TAI – Adamchik received the most despite the long vacation

In 2024, employment at the Institute is expected to increase by 41 full-time positions to 181. These are engineering and research positions. A sales department will also be launched and KIM should start offering its services commercially.

According to Shversky, the 2024 KRRiT budget is insufficient. As he explained, due to recent developments in the public media, it should be increased.

KRRiT's budget received a positive conclusion in the Seym committee – 21 deputies were in favor, one was against.

Also read: Propagandists defend this. In the PiS media, they created a fuchsia system for themselves

(ME, 30/12/2023)

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