A blizzard moved to Warsaw on Monday. The snow created many difficulties in the city – public transport is disrupted and drivers walk in the snow. The mayor of the city has already commented on the situation in the capital.

As TVN Warszawa describes, the situation is difficult in many places in the city, including: the S8 viaduct from Prymasa Tysiąclecia avenue and the viaduct to Trasa Łazienkowska from Wisłostrada near Torwar.

The difficult situation in Warsaw after the snowstorm

The portal asked the police about the situation. – The whole of Warsaw is moving very slowly due to heavy snowfall. We have a few clashes, but they are not serious, said Rafal Markiewicz from the press office of the Warsaw police headquarters before 8 pm.

Public transport also has problems. “Due to difficult weather conditions, there are difficulties in the operation of public transport in the entire Warsaw agglomeration and its surrounding area. Buses run with significant delays. There are delays due to road congestion and slippery rails at tram crossings. About the tram lines”, said the statement of the Public Transport Service.

ZTM also reports that “due to difficult weather conditions, there are difficulties in the area of ​​the Warsaw railway junction. Possible delays, cancellations and reduced train connections.”

Trzaskovsky issued a statement regarding the current situation in the city

The mayor of the capital has already commented on the current situation in the city. “There is heavy snow in Warsaw. From 14:00, city cleaning services work on the streets of the capital, at the moment there are 170 salt plows, which primarily protect key roads. It is about 1,500 km of streets on which city buses run,” he wrote on X's website.

Rafal Trzaszkowski also reminded that “their owners or managers are responsible for the safety of the sidewalks surrounding the property.” “I will take action. The conditions are extremely difficult. Take care of yourself and, if possible, use the metro and tram,” he asked.

and according to IMWM, Winter will again make its presence felt in Poland this week. The sky will be mostly cloudy and it will snow. In the north of the country, the snow cover can increase to about 25 cm. Warmer air will move in Wednesday through Thursday night and into Thursday night, but will bring colder precipitation to a larger area of ​​the country. It will be sunny and frosty again at the end of the week.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/536447,gdzie-zamiecie-sniezne-imgw-ma-nowa-pogode

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