The decision of RMN was announced by its member Marek Rutka.

“The National Media Council, by a 3/2 vote, expanded the governing board of the non-existent TVP to two people. Thus, the number of neo-presidents occupying Plac Powstańców increased by 100%. As you can see, the quantity. Activists… are decreasing, somewhere they are increasing,” the politician wrote on his account on the website X

On the other hand, Joanna Lichoka, also a member of RMN, announced in an interview with PAP that Tomasz Ovsinski, the current head of the TVP info portal, has become a new member of Telewizja Publiczna's management board. Ovsinski supports Michal Adamczyk in “restoring corporate order”.

Changes in public media

process Changes in public media It started with the decision of the Minister of Culture Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, who on December 20, 2023 removed the presidents of TVP, Polskie Radio and PAP. The new management boards of the companies were elected by the new supervisory boards appointed by the minister.

A week later, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz announced the liquidation of 17 companies managing Polish Television, Polish Radio, the Polish Press Agency and regional public radio stations. This was claimed by President Andrzej Duda's veto of the budget-related act, which provides for the possibility of transfers of up to PLN 3 billion to state-owned media companies.

On December 26, the National Media Council appointed a new president of TVP. It was Michal Adamchik.

On Wednesday, January 10, the National Court Registry refused to register the new members of Telewizja Polska's Supervisory Board, who were appointed by Culture Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Tomasz Sigut as the company's president.

According to the procedure, the secretary of the court makes the recording. In the justification, the court worker noted that both decisions “were made by a non-authorized body in accordance with the above provisions of UKRRiTV (Radio Broadcasting Act – note), as well as in accordance with the provisions of the TVP charter, respectively.” Even with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code (Companies Code). commercial – note)”.

Also read:
“Court decisions must be implemented. Zemla answered Plazinski
Also read:
Adamchik's new statement. “Appropriate legal measures will be taken”

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