The method of taking TVP causes great emotions. We remind you that on Wednesday, December 20, representatives of the company's “new government” entered TVP's headquarters, accompanied by several anonymous men. During the fight in the public television building PiS deputy Joanna Boroviak was injured. The signal of the public information television was switched off and the daily news edition was not broadcast.

What do Poles think about PO activities?

A survey commissioned by the portal Onet showed that the majority of Poles have a positive attitude towards the way Minister Sienkiewicz has taken over the public media.

The answer “definitely yes” was recorded by 26.9 percent. respondents, and “yes” – 25.9 percent, respectively, a total of 52.8 percent of respondents have a positive attitude towards how the PO took the media.

On the other hand, 32.3 percent of the respondents chose the answer “definitely not” (19.1%), and “more than not” – 13.2%. However, 14.9% have no idea.

About 60.3% of PiS voters. Respondents marked the options “not necessarily” and “rather not” – 16.2 percent. On the other hand, it was 2% in the electorate of PO. and 8.7 percent (more than 84% approve of the takeover). Among left-wing voters, more than 75 percent have a positive opinion of the actions of Sienkiewicz and Prime Minister Tusk, while less than 11 percent have a negative opinion. Confederation voters have quite mixed views: more than 55 percent view the changes negatively, while more than 38 percent view them positively.

Taking over public media

We remind you that the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage announced before Christmas that the head of the Ministry Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, based on the resolution of the Sejm and the Code of Commercial Companies, dismissed the current presidents of the Board of Directors of the Polish Telewizja Polska. Radio and the Polish Press Agency, as well as supervisory boards. The minister appointed new supervisory boards of the companies, which appointed new management boards.

After that, Sienkiewicz decided to liquidate TVP, PR and PAP. He justified his decision by vetoing President Andrzej Duda's budget act, which included funds for financing public media.

National Media Council and current governing boards of media companies He considers the actions of Minister Sienkevich illegal. PiS politicians talk about an “attack” on public media, and the ruling coalition is called the “Coalition of December 13” (Donald Tusk's government was sworn in on December 13, the anniversary of the introduction of martial law).

Also read:
What about the objectivity of TVP? This is how he responded to Duda's speech
Also read:
A series of layoffs at TVP. The directors of the regional centers were dismissed

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