About the introduction of regulations enhancing operations in Poland partnership Discussed by Polish Radio in Szczecin. The guests were Monika Pacifka-Tichy from the Lambda Polska Foundation, who “organized a humanistic wedding with Nora during the performance of Spartacus in the modern theater”, Ines Dapsus and Ola Kuo-Rydzynska – visual artists, founders of the Żeństwo Gallery. As we read, “they got married during the performance”; Radoslaw Lubczyk – MP, PSL-Trzecia Droga Parliamentary Group.

“As soon as possible – this is how the Minister of Equality Katarzyna Kotuli answers the question, when the law on “civil partnerships” will be adopted, why are some people worried about civil partnerships, even though they will not have to enter them?” ” – we read in the description of the program. The program lacked a critical voice towards the idea of ​​introducing same-sex relationships.

The deputy of the third road is shocked

The biggest surprise comes from the speech of the MP of the Third Way. Lubczyk not only supported the adoption of children by homosexual couples, but also said that they can take better care of the child than a married couple. – I am sure that raising children by homosexual couples is much better and these children are much more beloved than those married in the Catholic Church, whose children are repeatedly tortured. That's why I prefer these children to live in love in homosexual couples than to be tortured in married relationships. I also don't see any problem in raising such children with love in partnership, said the parliamentarian.

– I will not convince my colleagues about this. Everyone has their own opinion on this. I have the same thing you heard – summed up Radoslav Lubczyk.

Also read:
Human Rights Watch: Tusk's government is a chance to improve the rule of law and the situation of LGBT people
Also read:
Same-sex couples in the TVP program. “gone fast”

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