The echo does not stop Address of the President, which Andrzej Duda delivered on the last day of 2023. The President highlighted the most important challenges that Poland will face in the coming months. He also strongly criticized the new government's actions regarding public media.

– We are dealing with a new situation in Polish politics. The president and the government are from different political camps. This is normal in a democracy. But in a democratic country, the constitution, the rule of law and good political customs must be respected. Unfortunately, in recent days, the government coalition trying to take over the public media has broken these rules. For the first time in free Poland since 1989, there was an attempt to take over public media by force, he said.

Duda called on Donald Tusk's government to respect the “principles of a democratic state of law” and to respect citizens regardless of their political views.

Sienkiewicz answers Duda

The speech received many responses. Among others, he mentioned: Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, who has been criticized in recent weeks, also gave a speech. The PO politician sarcastically “thanked” the President for his speech on TVP.

“Mr. President is very critical about the changes in the media (closing TVP – PiS). He sent his message in the liquidation of Telewizja Polska SA, which PiS does not recognize. Thank you for your trust,” the head of the organization wrote. Ministry of Culture and National Heritage X website.


Taking over public media

The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage announced before Christmas that the head of the ministry, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, dismissed the current presidents of Telewizja Polska, Polish Radio and the Board of Directors of Polish Radio, based on a resolution of the Sejm and the Code of Commercial Companies. Polish Press Agency, as well as Supervisory Boards. The minister appointed new supervisory boards of the companies, which appointed new management boards.

On Wednesday, Sienkiewicz decided to liquidate TVP, PR and PAP. He justified his decision by vetoing President Andrzej Duda's budget act, which included funds for financing public media.

The National Media Council and the current governing board of media companies consider the actions of Minister Sienkevich illegal. PiS politicians talk about “attack” on public media and call the ruling coalition “Coalition 13 December” (Donald Tusk's government was sworn in on December 13, the anniversary of the introduction of martial law).

Also read:
“Battalion Government”. Glinski was furious after Sienkiewicz's next decision
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Chaos around public media. AWS rector wrote a letter to Bodnar

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