Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court (SN). annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas Szymon Hołownia regarding the expiration of the mandate of MP Maciej Wąsik.

In December, Mariusz Kaminski and Makie Vesik were sentenced to two years in prison for the so-called Land scandal. PiS politicians do not recognize the court verdict. Both They appealed to the Supreme Court. The Marshal of the Seimas, Shimon Holonia, referred the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandates of Kaminski and Vesik to the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court. The application was submitted to the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court after Supreme Court Judge Romuald Dalewski, who was supposed to hear Vesic's appeal to the Labor Chamber about the termination of the Sejm Speaker's decision, independently decided to postpone the proceedings.

– In my opinion, the decision rendered today by Judge-Rapporteur Romuald Dalewski is void, because it was issued by a single collegium, only the Judge-Rapporteur-said the President of the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court in an interview with Onet. Prof. Piotr Prusinovsky.

The Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court could not meet the conditions of independence and impartiality of the European Court.

Holavnia: I do it out of concern for them

– I sent the complaints of Mr. Maciej Wąsik and Mr. Mariusz Kaminski against my decision to the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court. Not because I had such a whim, but because of the supported legal opinion that I received, including from the chairman of the Legal Studies Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and, according to many other lawyers, from this Chamber. Due to doubts regarding the authority of the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, the parties to this process are guaranteed (…) the undisputed and irrevocable exercise of their rights. I am doing this out of concern for them, so that their case will be considered by a court that does not raise any doubts,” said Shimon Holovnia at the press conference.

– We recently received information that the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs issued a decision that annulled my decision to terminate the mandate of Mr. Maciej Vesik. We infer from the file reference number that this was admitted on the basis of documents which were wrongly submitted to the court by Mr. Vesik personally. We understand that the documents have been transferred from the House of Labor to the Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs, but the file reference number is different – indicating that these were probably the documents that Mr Wasik mailed to the Chamber of Emergency Control. This was the basis of this decision, but we are still checking it, said the speaker of the Seimas.

– As the Speaker of the Seimas, I sent my correspondence to the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court and I am waiting for a response from the Labor and Social Insurance Chamber of the Supreme Court – explained Holonia. – If I hear that the Chamber of Labor and its President have come to the conclusion that they think this is the wrong place to discuss this and refer the matter to the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, I want to know about it. That's because, as the sender of the correspondence, I want to be sure that if I send Kowalski a reply, I'll get a response from Kowalski, not Novak, he added.

– Mariusz Kaminski's parliamentary mandate has expired. Therefore, his parliamentary ID card will not be valid at the next session of the Seimas and he will be able to enter the building like any guest who wants to visit the parliament building, said Shimon Holovnia.

Also read:
What awaits Vesik and Kaminski? The statement is issued by the Ministry of Justice
Also read:
KAMINSKI: I absolutely feel that I am an innocent person

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