The Deputy Prosecutor General issued a statement saying that Justice Minister Adam Bodnar created a new function of “Acting National Prosecutor”, which is not provided for in Polish law. According to them, this move is aimed at removing the previous national prosecutor without the approval of the President.

Deputies of the General Prosecutor Adam Bodnar announced this Entrusting the function of acting National Prosecutor to Prosecutor Jacek Bilevich by illegally skipping the procedures of the Law on Prosecutor's Office is ineffective.. Such a function is not provided for by the law “On the Prosecutor's Office”, – the Deputy Prosecutor General wrote in the statement.

look: Urgent announcement from the Ministry of Justice. We are talking about the national prosecutor

According to them, Justice Minister Adam Bodnar created the function to prevent President Andrzej Duda from allowing the dismissal of the national prosecutor.

General Prosecutor's Office: an unknown function was created by law

“Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar with Prime Minister Donald Tusk They illegally created a new function unknown to the law “On Prosecutor's Office”.. Illegal action of Adam Bodnar and Donald Tusk It is intended to circumvent the provisions relating to the appeals procedure First Deputy Prosecutor General with the written consent of the President of the Republic of Poland,” the statement said.

“We announce this We will use all means provided by law to effectively oppose the attempt to illegally remove the National Prosecutor and take over the Prosecutor's office for political purposes,” the statement said.

Decision regarding the National Prosecutor. Adam Bodnar appoints Jacek Bilevich

The statement is a reaction to the decision of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, who referred the case to the National Prosecutor. Dariusz Barsky A document that says restore it On February 16, 2022, by former Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro, was made “in violation of applicable regulations and did not produce legal effect.”

In addition, it was indicated that “from January 12, 2024 B Dariush Barski remains retiredwhich makes him unable to perform the function of the national prosecutor. instead of him Jacek Bilevich was appointed.

He did not agree with the decision The General Prosecutor's Office decided that Dariush Barski is still the national prosecutor. According to him, the letter of the Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar “does not have any legal effect”.

President Andrzej Duda also spoke on the mentioned issue. The head of state emphasized that the Minister of Justice cannot dismiss the national prosecutor independently.

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