The Minister of Funds and Regional Policy announced at a press conference that he appointed Lukash Balajevic as the first vice president and acting president and Arkadiusz Borek as the second vice president of KZN.

KZN's interim management will remain in office until a new president is elected, which will take place in a few months through an open and transparent competition. The head of the ministry indicated that he was entrusting the interim management with a “very important mission” to clarify the situation in KZN.

Pełczyńska-Nałęcz: One block of 40 apartments was built in three years

– I entrust the temporary management with a very important mission: a thorough investigation of what happened in the institution; Acknowledgment of wrongs against employees and what I read in the open letter of employees; correcting and holding accountable those responsible for abuse; Diagnosing the stage of investments and social housing initiatives in close cooperation with municipalities, local self-governments and relevant ministries – said Pelczynska-Nalec.

– In 3 months I am waiting for the plan, what investments will be made, at what time and in which communes. The most important thing is that the mission of KZN and Social Housing Initiatives, a program intended to fill the gap in the Polish housing market, must be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible. I would clearly summarize this mission: what, unfortunately, has become a national resource of illegality, is to become a national resource of real estate again,” the minister noted.

He said KZN was established 6.5 years ago and the Social Housing Initiatives (SIM) program was launched three years ago. His goal was to build apartments for young families who lacked credit but could afford to rent an apartment with eventual ownership. Pełczyńska-Nałęcz noted that one building with 40 apartments was built during the operation of SIM.

The salary plan in KZN exceeded PLN 700,000. zloty

“With similar results, wages in KZN have risen shockingly. In 2018, personal remuneration totaled 1.7 million PLN, in 2023 it will be almost 9 million PLN, i.e. it has increased 4.5 times. This far outweighs inflation and any other reason why wages can rise this way. In the 4 months of 2023, from July to October, the KZN Council exceeded the financial plan for reimbursement by PLN 700,000. PLN, which violated the discipline of public finances – said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

Due to the irregularities in KZN, the minister said he had referred the matter to the Public Finance Disciplinary Ombudsman. The Minister will also forward the whistleblower's letter about the alleged violation of employee rights at this facility for further appropriate action.

Also read:
The government program ran out of money. Acceptance of applications has been stopped

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