Farmers can put the final nail in the coffin of Olaf Scholz's political career. On Monday, January 8, Germany was almost completely paralyzed by the politics of the current coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals with Bauers angry. Although the hosts act ruthlessly and even shut down some cities around the world, the German public understands their anger quite well.

For a continuous rule of 16 years Angela Merkel German politics was considered complete boredom. Smaller and bigger scandals broke out, but the chancellor always managed to find a quick solution to them. First of all, he tried to oppose the social mood that threatened his position. When opponents made a stronger demand, the Christian Democrat took over the narrative as if it was his idea.

That divine spark is not there Olaf Scholz. Since the Social Democrat took over the chancellorship two years ago, the Regierungsviertel in Berlin Crisis follows crisis. The latest is prepared by farmers for the SPD, Die Grünen and FDP coalition.

what is happening in germany The centuries-old protest of farmers paralyzed the whole country

Monday, January 8 Roads across Germany were blocked by thousands of tractors, combines and other machinery. Angry hosts actually caused a complete paralysis of communication.

In Brandenburg, cities like Cottbus and Brandenburg or Der Havel managed to completely isolate themselves from the world – no one could leave them or enter them. In Saxony, 95 percent is blocked. highway exits. Large agricultural protests were also organized on the Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern roads.

However, it is not the case that they are only striking in the former GDR. farmers They went out into the streets In rich Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, as well as Bremen, Hamburg and of course Berlin. The center of the German capital, especially between the Brandenburg Gate and the Siegessäule, was closed over the weekend. From Monday morning, hundreds of agricultural vehicles started arriving there.

Why are farmers protesting in Germany?

What are the Bauers protesting? In fact, the list of reasons for their disappointment is long, as the coalition dominated by the Social Democrats and the Greens tested the patience of agriculture with subsequent economic and climate revolutions. However, the subsidy cuts were the last straw. today Germany Banners hung by the protesters were flooded with the slogan “When the farmer dies, there will be no bread”.

Farmers have paralyzed the entire country, although in reality they achieved their goal only by threatening to protest. Olaf Scholz left the government Elimination of the tax benefit for the use of agricultural vehicles. They promised this for the future as well Plans to scrap fuel subsidies have been delayed.

At other times, there would probably be resentment at the demanding attitude of the hosts and lack of understanding of the changing world. IN West Germany Farmers are not the poorest, so one might argue that their protest is inappropriate. However, in Germany in 2023, tens of millions of citizens have outstanding accounts with Scholz's government, which means that despite the severe nature of the protests, he has considerable public support.

Moreover, it was recently revealed that even one of the leading politicians of Scholz's SPD supports the demands of agriculture. The Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stefan Weil, said on ZDF that the government in Berlin should obey the protesters.

If this does not happen quickly, the Germans may spend several days in traffic jams and besieged cities. The whole agricultural campaign started with the slogan “Week of Rage”.

The Rightward Turn in the Federal Republic of Germany. Olaf Scholz would not have a chance to stay in power today

Anger is also evident Latest polls. According to INSA research published on January 6, the current ruling coalition will have no chance of retaining power if Bundestag elections.

SPD 16 percent will support the Germans, Die Grünen Only 12 percent and ratings FDP The fluctuation is about 5%. Today, everything indicates that there should be right-wingers in the new parliament. CDU/CSU 31 percent are in favor, and 23 percent of the respondents voted AfD.

how We already mentioned it on naTemat.plHowever, it is unlikely that the latter two formations will form a new coalition. Although in theory they share many demands, the Christian Democrats – like the rest of Germany's political class – stubbornly distance themselves from the right-wing populists because of the AfD's references to the Third Reich, Euroscepticism and pro-Russianism.

Therefore, the most likely scenario of the change of government in Berlin is the one that involves the so-called A grand coalition. This is what they call cooperation between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats in Germany. In the past, the “Grose coalition” has given a parliamentary majority to three of Angela Merkel's four governments.

And when will the government change? According to the political calendar, Germany should elect a new federal parliament only between the summer and autumn of 2025. However, today's destabilization means that the idea of ​​calling early elections is being mentioned more and more loudly.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder is calling for them to be combined with the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 9. Others are a little kinder to Olaf Scholz, proposing to shorten his term by one year, which would mean holding elections in the fall.

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