The government plans to change the calculation method of the so-called sick leave (illustrative photo)

The rules for calculating sick leave in our country have been useful for many years, especially for those employed under a labor contract, and at the same time, they actually made life more difficult for entrepreneurs who created jobs and thus managed the economy. It will end eventually. Moreover, the amendment project is already in the Sejm and can be put to the vote at any time.

The existing system is largely unfair to entrepreneurs. The employer pays the first 33 days of the popular L4. The social insurance institution pays assistance only from the 34th day of illness.

An exception to this rule is sick leave for older employees, who are classified under current regulations as persons over 50 years of age. Here, the employer pays for two weeks of sick leave, and Zu “takes” this obligation from the 15th day.

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According to the law, the benefit must be equal to the average salary paid during the last 12 months, but cannot be less than 80% of the basic salary stipulated in the employment contract.

Changes are coming to the way sick leave is calculated. Entrepreneurs will benefit

The civil coalition, Poland 2050 and the Left want to ease the burden on employers and change the current legal acts so that The total allowance was paid by the social insurance institution from the first day. Such an obligation was included in the list of hundred specifics of the first hundred days of the government.

The United Right government has not made a very good impression on entrepreneurs (especially small businesses). Raising the minimum wage and imposing additional taxes on the state effectively drained company budgets.

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The new governing coalition wants to ensure that companies are helped, at least in this way. The annual savings can be significant – even for a small business employing a few or a dozen people.

We can only hope that this will not be the last action of the new ruling coalition against Polish companies. After all, they are still the main driving force of the economy, and the taxes paid by economic activity provide additional billions of zlotys to the budget every year.

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