According to the 2024 schedule of sessions of the Seimas, the second session of the 10th term of the Seimas was scheduled for January 10-11, and the third session of the 10th term of the Seimas was scheduled for January 12. As planned, on Wednesday The second reading of the budget bill was supposed to take placeAnd the third hearing, i.e. voting, was to be held on Friday.

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Is the 2024 budget in jeopardy?

However, MPs will discuss next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (January 16-18). It's all about confusion Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik. Marshal Shimon Holovnia emphasized that it is about “taking care of the seriousness of the Sejm”.

What is happening this week, the situation of a deep constitutional crisis, does not guarantee that the sessions of the Seimas will be peaceful this week, Holonia explained.

As the Minister of Finance Andrzej Domanski said in an interview with, “the adoption of the budget is not in danger”. – We are in contact with the Chancellery of the Seimas and the Senate. So far, work on the budget bill has been going smoothly and I hope it will continue. The budget bill does not raise doubts – he informed.

He added that “budget stability is ensured”.

Kaminsky and Vesik in prison

– I communicated this to the Marshal, at the same time suggesting that – in order to close this matter, we avoid state, social and political disturbances and further accumulation of controversy. Recognize today that the 2015 pardon was and is effective – said Duda.

Budget problems

Professor Kamil Zaradkiewicz expressed concern about the Sejm's ability to effectively pass laws without the participation of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, who were convicted in the final verdict. Zaradkevich claims this The Seimas can only effectively pass a law if each of the 460 deputies has the opportunity to vote. – We read in “Rzeczpospolita”.

However, not all experts agree with this position. Wojciech Hermelinski, retired judge and former head of the Constitutional Tribunal National Election Commissionthinks Kaminski and Vasik lost their seats according to the law.

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