BGK published the announcement about the suspension of applications by banks as of January 2, with the forecast of subsidies for 2024.

“The current (in 2024) total amount of projected annual amounts of installment subsidies entered into the registration system of subsidies has reached 90% of the equivalent of the amounts provided for in the budget act of this year. will be transferred to the government housing fund for payment of subsidies in installments.” – We are reading.

13 banks have signed an agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego to participate in this program. Applications received before January 2 will be considered.


Secured loan 2 percent funds exhausted

“Secure loan 2 percent” introduced by the PiS government in mid-2023 was the most attractive housing program ever – notes “Rzeczpospolita”. Virtually all adult Poles (under 45 years old) who wanted to buy their first apartment could borrow very cheaply thanks to a 10-year subsidy from the state budget.

The newspaper emphasizes that from July 1 to December 23, 2023, the number of applications for such loans reached 94.1 thousand, and banks received 55.8 thousand. “This is about every second mortgage issued by banks during this period,” reports “RZ”.

What will the Tusk government do?

The new management of the Ministry of Development and Technology announced at the end of the year that the PiS program “will be replaced by another offer beneficial to borrowers.”

Details are unknown. The Ministry only emphasizes that “the new instrument is intended to be, on the one hand, more attractive for people with low incomes and large families, and on the other hand, to limit its abuse by people whose high income allows them to get a loan in the regular market offer .”

According to the experts quoted by “RZ”, this may mean the introduction of the income criterion.

Also read:
Google showed a false exchange rate for the zloty. The Ministry of Finance responds

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